AceA FileShare access control entry.
AclA FileShare access control list, which contains zero or more access control entries.
AddShelfConfigAdd shelf config is used to add capacity to the VMstore of the specified shelf.
AdminRoleAll operations on all resources allowed, including user account resource.
AdsConfigThis class represents the current Active Directory protocol configuration.
AlertEncapsulates Log Message, of type Alert or Notice, generated by Tintri Appliance.
AlertDownloadableReportFilterContains the filter properties for downloadable alert message reports.
AlertFilterScopeFilter-supported alert properties
AlertFilterSpecAlert query parameter filter
ApplianceContains appliance information about operation, custimization, upgrade, controllers, disks, temperatures, power, maintenance mode, disk encryption and redundancy.
ApplianceAlertCountsTintri Appliance notification count information.
ApplianceAllowSnapshotIncompleteVmObject which describes allowing snapshot of incomplete VM settings on Tintri System.
ApplianceCapacityErrorInfoCapacity expansion request error information.
ApplianceComponentTintri Appliance hardware component information.
ApplianceControllerTintri Appliance hardware information on multiple CPUs, memory units, adapters, fans, temperatures and network bonds.
ApplianceControllerNetworkBondA specific network bond and IP address.
ApplianceControllerNetworkBondPortInformation about an individual network binding port.
ApplianceCustomizationInfoTintri Appliance customization information which includes replication interface and space saving support.
ApplianceDateTimeTintri Appliance data time configuration.
ApplianceDescriptionsTintri Appliance information which includes descriptions for temperature, fan, power and redundancy.
ApplianceDiskHardware information about physical disks attached to the Tintri Appliance.
ApplianceDiskEncryptionInfoTintri Appliance disk encryption information.
ApplianceDiskEncryptionResultTintri Appliance disk encryption result.
ApplianceDnsTintri Appliance DNS configuration.
ApplianceEmailTintri Appliance e-mail configuration.
ApplianceFailedComponentTintri Appliance failed component.
ApplianceFailedComponentsA collection of failed hardware components in the Tintri Appliance.
ApplianceInfoTintri Appliance information which includes serial number, model name, OS verison, and product ID.
ApplianceIpTintri Appliance IP configuration.
ApplianceIpmiTintri Appliance IPMI configuration.
ApplianceLacpTintri Appliance LACP configuration.
ApplianceMaintenanceModeTintri Appliance maintenance mode.
ApplianceOperationalInfoTintri Appliance operational information which contains sample time, up time, count of unread alerts, file system status, urgent message.
ApplianceSnmpDefines SNMP configuration settings on Tintri System.
ApplianceSnmpTargetObject which defines SNMP trap receiver target settings on Tintri System.
ApplianceSnmpUserDefines SNMP user settings on Tintri System.
ApplianceSupportTintri Appliance auto-support configuration.
ApplianceSyslogForwardingTintri Appliance notification count information.
ApplianceUpgradeInfoTintri Appliance update information which includes upgrade state, checksum, verison, error message.
BaseVirtualMachineStatBase class for VirtualMachine statistics
CapacityExpansionRecordInformation about previously successful RAID group expansion
CdfDataPointThis class is for e2e testing only
CertificateThis object represents an x509 certificate stored in VMstore.
CinderCloneSpecClass to specify Cinder clone specifications
CinderSnapshotSpecClass to specify Cinder snapshot specifications
ClusterConfigurationDefines those global settings that are not directly related to objects such as VirtualMachine or Datastore on Tintri Global Center.
CollectionChangeRequestEncapsulates changes to a collection of objects.
CommonStatIn order to give flexibility in terms which attributes are present in the Slice instance and which are not; all attributes are defined as Number Wrapper Objects (Integer or Double) rather than primitive types (int or double).
CommonStatFilterScopeBase class for all statistic filter scopes.
ContributionStatThe statistics for VM contribution in one VM cluster.
CriticalActionPromptThis class stores the details of Action like type, description, parameter passed, timestamp as a result of change in Appliance settings on VMStoreUI
DatastoreThe class represents a logical partition of a Tintri applicance used to store VMs and virtual disks.
DatastoreHistogramWorking set for a VMStore
DatastoreModelLimitsModel constants for the appliance.
DatastoreNfsAccessContains the values for allowing or blocking client access to this VMstore.
DatastoreNfsAccessesThe NFS access information for the datastore which contains a list of NFS access configurations and a flag to indicate if NFS access control is enabled or not.
DatastoreQoSInfoThis is an info object used to return VMstore level information about QoS settings and usage.
DatastoreReplicationInfoReplication settings for the datastore.
DatastoreReplicationPathRepresents a datastore replication path.
DatastoreReplicationPathThrottleBean definition to model replication throttle schedule to be applied on a network connection to a replication destination.
DatastoreSmbSettingsContains various SMB settings that are configured on the Datastore.
DatastoreStatThe datastore statistics.
DatastoreStatDownloadableReportFilterContains the filter properties for downloadable historic datastore statistics reports.
DatastoreUuidVmPairA pair of datastore Tintri Uuid and contributed VirtualMachine.
DOMThe class describes the temperature information on Tintri Appliance.
FileShareA FileShare is an entry point for the SMB protocol to access file systems.
FilterPropertyEncapsulates a property which can be used to filter items.
FilterScopeBase class for all filter scopes for different entities.
FilterSpecSimple interface to define methods to be implemented by the query string filter impls
FlashMissRatePredictionClass for the flash miss rate prediction results for the VMstore Pool.
GeneralNameGeneralName is used to represent an entry of Subject Alternative Name in X509 certificate.
GenericRestApiRoleGenericRestApiRole is a base role for all specialized roles.
HighFrequencySnapshotConfigUsed to enable or disable the high frequency snapshot policy for a VM.
HyperVCloneInfoHyper-V specific information if the clone operation involves Hyperv VMs
HypervisorDatastoreContains hypervisor datastore information like host name, IP address, and preferred cloning destination.
HypervisorManagerConfigHypervisor manager specific information needed for configuring Tintri storage.
IOHistogramIOLoad Histogram
IOLoadPredictionThis class is for e2e testing only
IpConfigGeneric IP configuration information.
KeyValueA pair of 'filter property' and allowed values.
KeyValuePairContainer of a key and value pair.
LdapConfigThis class represents the current LDAP configuration.
LicenseContains license information such as the license key, feature, model, and whether it's an evaluation license or not.
LicenseCountsTintri License count information.
LicenseDownloadableReportFilterContains the filter properties for downloadable licenses reports.
LicenseSummaryThe summary of the licenses installed, used, and the evaluation expiration information.
MigrationStatContains migration performance properties at a given time point.
MultipleSelectionRequestEncapsulates an entity for modication of one or more resources.
NameIdPairContainer of a name and ID pair.
PageModels a list of items which make a page for API client.
PageFilterSpecGeneric search request parameters used in the search query string
PassThroughCallThis is the object used to carry user's 'pass through request'.
PhaseTimerPhaseStatPhaseTimerPhaseStat class is the DTO representing a phase data point
PhaseTimerStatPhaseTimerStat class is the DTO representing a PhaseTimer data point with list of phase stats and metadata
PhaseTimingStatsPhaseTimingStats class is the container for all PhaseTimerStat objects
PingTestRequestRepresents the ping test request.
PingTestResultRepresents the result of the ping test.
PolicyConfigPolicyConfig defines the common protection policy that is shared by all VM's in the group.
PolicyErrorPolicy Errors for a given VM that currently requires attention.
PolicyErrorStatContains policy error statistics.
PolicyErrorStatFilterSpecPolicyErrorStat query parameter filter.
ProtectionPolicyDefines service group level protection policy.
RbacExternalConfigThis class represents the external Directory Services authentication configuration.
RbacTestResultThis class represents the result of series of tests that Tintri OS may perform for a given directory services authentication configuration.
ReadOnlyRoleAccess control role that provide read capability to all managed resources (except security related resources).
RecommendationDescribes the conditions of a VMstore Pool based on the analysis performed by the Recommendation Engine.
RecommendationActionOne action from the Recommendation analysis which provides the 'instructions' that needs to be done to alleviate or mitigate a risk on a VMstore.
RecommendationActionGroupContains a list of actions that can be executed in parallel.
RecommendationActionResultThe result of performing the Recommened Action.
RecommendationAnalysisContains Recommendation analysis details of one VMstore.
RecommendationFeedbackFeedback for a Recommendation.
RecommendationFlashAnalysisDescribes the flash hit rate analysis of a VMstore.
RecommendationFlashOutcomeDescribes the 'flash' outcome of a VMstore after accepting the recommendation.
RecommendationIopsAnalysisDescribes the 'IOPS' analysis of a VMstore.
RecommendationIopsOutcomeDescribes the 'IOPS' outcome of a VMstore on accepting the recommendation.
RecommendationIssueSelectionContains the list of recommendation issues to be applied to a VMstore.
RecommendationOutcomeExplains the expected condition on a VMstore after the VMs are moved which is a result accepting the issues in the Recommendation.
RecommendationProtectionOutcomeDescribes the "protection" condition of a VMstore on accepting the recommendation.
RecommendationSpaceAnalysisDescribes the 'space' analysis of a VMstore.
RecommendationSpaceOutcomeDescribes the 'space' outcome of a VMstore on accepting the recommendation.
RemoteCopyInfoPopulate remoteCopyInfo object along with snapshotId.
ReplicationParticipantInfoParticipant information in Synchronous Replication configuration, e.g.
ReplicationPolicyReplicationPolicy Defines the common replication policy for the service group.
ReplicationStatContains core replication performance properties of a replication configuration at a given time point.
ReplicationVmReplIdObjectAn object that contains a vm id and a replication id.
ReplLinkThe managed entity stands for a network path between two VMstores or even two TGC managed cluster members over which VMs are replicated from one VMstore to another using Tintri Replication Proprietary Technology.
ReplLinkStatPerformance information and state at any given time point for a replication link within the cluster.
ReplLinkVirtualMachineStatPerformance data for a single VM which is configured for replication over a specified replication link.
RequestUtility class which brings list of entities which are to updated and list of properties to be changed on all of these entities.
ResponseObject which encapsulates response to an API call.
ResponseSample reverseReplication response:
ResponseCommon part of responses from syncOnce and querySyncStatus.
ResponseSample TestFailoverStartResponse
ResponseSample reverseReplication response:
Response Sample TestFailoverStartResponse <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <Response xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/srm/sra/v2"> <TestFailoverStartResults> <TargetDevices> <TargetDevice key="xxx-2-peer"> <Error .../> </TargetDevice> <TargetDevice key="xxx-3-peer"/> </TargetDevices> </TestFailoverStartResults> </Response>
ResponseCommon part of responses from syncOnce and querySyncStatus.
ResponseSample TestFailoverStartResponse
ResponseCall to source, in primary mode with existing replication, returns replicated device "fog1".
ResponseSample reverseReplication response:
ResponseCommon part of responses from syncOnce and querySyncStatus.
ResponseSRA array response.
ResponseSample ErrorResponse
ResponseSample TestFailoverStartResponse
ResponseSample TestFailoverStartResponse
ResponseSample prepareReverseReplication response:
RestApiObject to encapsulate basic information about Rest API which an un-authenticated user can access.
RestApiCredentialsRestApiCredentials is used in access control related operations.
RestoreInfoPopulated restoreInfo object along with snapshotId.
RhevCloneInfoRHEV specific information if the clone operation involves RHEV VMs
RoleThis is the interface for the Role object.
ServiceAccountRoleThis role will be allowed to use REST APIs (including indirectly) to control all of the appliance (much the same as the super admin role) but will not be able to login interactively through the UI.
ServiceGroupManaged Entity DTO for ServiceGroup.
ServiceGroupDeletionPageFilterSpecService group deletion query parameter filter.
ServiceGroupMemberEncapsulates an individual service group member.
ServiceGroupMemberListContainer of entity IDs representing service group members, and the following operations to be performed on the entity IDs.
ServiceGroupOperationStatusService group operation status.
ServiceGroupPageFilterSpecService group query parameter filter
ServiceGroupRulesService group rules state which VMs belong to which service groups.
ShelfContains Shelf information such as the model name and list of components.
ShelfCableThe shelf cable information of the Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) port slot.
ShelfIoCardThe I/O module inside enclosure, which holds I/O expander and Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) ports.
ShelfSasPortThe shelf Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) port slot information.
ShelfSensorThe shelf electrical current sensor identification and reading information.
ShelfVoltageThe shelf voltage identification and reading information.
SmbConfigRepresents the SMB configuration.
SmbTestResultRepresents the result of series of tests that Tintri OS may perform for a given SMB configuration.
SnapshotContains snapshot information such as the creation time stamp and size change.
SnapshotBasicInfoContains the basic information about a snapshot, including VM name, creation time, snapshot Tintri UUID.
SnapshotCompositionSnapshotComposition object is used by TGC API server to keep track of snapshot replicas, associated VMStores to the replicas and VMstore specific replica summary.
SnapshotFilterSpecObject which models the query parameters used to filter for the snapshot managed entity.
SnapshotSpecInput parameters for snapshot creation.
SpacePredictionThis class is for e2e testing only
SraArrayExample SRA array XML segment
SraArrayModelSRA array model bean.
SraCommonFailoverResultsThis is the part shared by the following three failover commands: - TestFailoverStart - TestFailoverStop - Failover Possible target devices XML segment:
SraDeviceThis data structure is used in multiple places, for example - Used as TargetDevice in the list of in discoverDevices response - Used as TargetDevice in SourceDevice items in discoverDevices response - Used as Device in syncOnce, querySyncStatus responses - Used as Device in prepareReverseReplication, reverseReplication, and restoreReplication Possible structures in TargetDevice
SraDeviceIdentityPossible structures in Identity
SraDeviceSyncSample DeviceSync sections under SourceDevice in syncOnce and querySyncStatus responses:
SraErrorThis can be to generate
SraPrepareFailoverSyncCommonResponseCommon part of responses from syncOnce and querySyncStatus.
SraRecoveryPointSample recovery point XML:
SraReplicatedDevicesPossible structures in ReplicatedDevices
SraReplicationSettingsSample replicationsettings for source device XML:
SraReplicationSettingsDeviceSample replicationsettings for source device XML:
SraReplicationSettingsDevicesSample replicationsettings for source device XML:
SraReplicationSoftwareSra Array replication software information
SraSnapshotRepresenting a snapshot after testFailoverStart.
SraSourceDevicePossible structures in SourceDevice
SraStoragePortPossible structures in StoragePort
SraUpdateReplicationResultsShared part of the following four SRA command: prepareReverseReplication, reverseReplication, prepareRestoreReplicaiton (optional), and restoreReplication.
SrmConfigEncapsulates VMware Site Recovery Manager (SRM) Configuration.
StatsBase container for the statistics objects.
StatusMessageStatus message while setting up or updating synchronous replication
SvgDownloadableReportFilterContains the filter properties for downloadable service group reports.
SyncReplAlertThresholdSynchronous replication alert threshold.
SyncReplConfigRepresents the Synchronous Replication configuration associated with a
SyncReplErrorError information of a Synchronous Replication configuration.
SyncReplMakePrimaryRequestManual failover request information to a synchronous replication configuration.
SyncReplPauseResumeRequestInformation for pausing/resuming one or more Synchronous Replication configuration on a VMStore.
SyncReplPolicyContainer for synchronous replication configuration, state, and statistics For creation and update, the alertThreshold attribute can be null and it will be created using default values.
SyncReplResyncStatsRepresents Synchronous Replication resynchronizes statistic information from one VMstore.
SyncReplStateInfoRepresents Synchronous Replication state information from one VMstore.
SyncReplStatsSynchronous Replication performance statistics information.
SyncReplTestResultTest result information from Synchronous Replication operation.
SyncReplVmstoreInfoVMStore participant information in a Synchronous Replication configuration.
SystemAdminRoleFull read and write access to all Resources, except user management.
TagCollectionThis class represents a collection of tags.
TagKeyValueConvenient object for marshalling/ unmarshalling purpose.
TaskContains information about asynchronous job operations.
TaskFilterSpecJob query parameter filter
TaskPropertyTaskProperty represents additional information about the job and target object.
TemperatureThe class describes the temperature information on Tintri Appliance.
TestReplicationPathTests replication paths on the datastore.
TintriErrorError information returned when an API error occurs.
TintriErrorTintri Error for TGC
TintriInternalRoleReserved for Tintri Global Center access to VMstore.
TintriObjectAbstract base class for Tintri Objects.
TintriStringTintri Appliance e-mail configuration.
TintriWarningVCommon Tintri Warning
TrialPeriodSummaryThe evaluation license expiration information.
UserAccountThis class represent the local user supported by Role Based Access Control(RBAC).
UserAgreementUser agreement properties.
UserSessionInformation of logged in user sessions
UuidClass which models Tintri UUID.
VirtualDiskEntity represents the encapsulation of virtual disks with its properties.
VirtualDiskFilterSpecVirtualDisk query parameter filter
VirtualEntityFilterSpecBase class for virtual entities like VirtualMachine, VirtualDisk etc.
VirtualMachineEntity represents encapsulation of virtual machine, the files of which are stored and managed by Datastore / Tintri System.
VirtualMachineAffinityRuleAffinity rule of a virtual machine.
VirtualMachineBulkReplicationConfigThis class contains a list of VM UUIDs and a list of VirtualMachineReplicationConfig objects that contains the new replication configuration to be updated.
VirtualMachineBulkSnapshotScheduleConfigThis class contains a list VM UUIDs and a list of snapshot schedule to be updated.
VirtualMachineCloneSpecThis class is used as an input to the clone API.
VirtualMachineCompositionRepresents the composition of a Cluster VM on Tintri Global Center.
VirtualMachineCustomizationSpecVirtualMachine customization specification which is also known as a system prep file used to customize a VM when performing a clone.
VirtualMachineDownloadableReportFilterContains the filter properties for downloadable virtual machine reports.
VirtualMachineFilterSpecVirtualMachine query parameter filter
VirtualMachineHistogramWorking set dto for a VMStore
VirtualMachineHostResourceRepresents a host resource node, like resource pool, compute resource, cluster compute resource, and host.
VirtualMachineMigrationConfigVirtual machine migration configuration including source IP address, destination address, destination port and error information.
VirtualMachineMigrationInfoEncapsulates all migration related information about the owning .
VirtualMachineQoSConfigUsed to manage QoS minimum and maximum IOPS settings for a VM.
VirtualMachineReplicationConfigVirtual machine replication configuration information including replication statistics, replication path, and flags.
VirtualMachineReplicationInfoThis class encapsulates all replication related information about the owning VirtualMachine.
VirtualMachineServiceGroupInfoService group information for the VM.
VirtualMachineSnapshotInfoThis container object has every detail about a Snapshot.
VirtualMachineSnapshotScheduleEncapsulates the definition of a snapshot schedule.
VirtualMachineStatThe statistics for VirtualMachine
VirtualMachineStatDownloadableReportFilterContains the filter properties for downloadable virtual machine statistics reports.
VirtualMachineSyncSpecInput to support SyncVm operations.
VirtualMachineSyncTakeSnapshotSpecProperties for SyncVM operation to take a snapshot before the operation.
VirtualMachineSyncVmConfigProperties of virtual machine that represents the auto detach virtual disk functionality.
VirtualMachineVmwareInfoInformation on the Hypervisor that owns the virtual machine instance.
VirtualMachineVmwareSyncSpecProperties to support the SyncVm operation with vmWare vCenter when the snapshot is VM-Consistent.
VmStoreDefines VMstore settings on Tintri Global Center.
VmStoreCredentialsRepresents credentials used in VmStore.
VMstoreDownloadableReportFilterContains the filter properties for downloadable VMstore reports.
VmstoreFlashMissRatePredictionClass for the flash miss rate prediction result of single VMstore.
VmstoreIOLoadPredictionThis class is for e2e testing only
VmstorePoolThe VMstore pool is a collection of VMstores.
VmstorePoolDownloadableReportFilterContains the filter properties for downloadable VMstore pool reports.
VmstorePoolStatThe VMstore pool statistics.
VmstoreSessionStatusInfoThis class include the session status between Vmstore server and its client
VmstoreSpacePredictionThis class is for e2e testing only
VMwareCloneInfoVMware specific information if the clone operation involves VMware VMs
XenServerHostXenServer host information, including UUID, name, host name, host IP, version, etc.
XenServerManagerConfigXenServer manager configuration information, including name, UUID, pool, list of individual host information, etc.