Name: ReplLinkStat

Performance information and state at any given time point for a replication link within the cluster.

Data Structure
   "typeId": "",
   "aggregatedLinkStatus": 'UNKNOWN' | 'DELETED' | 'WORKING' | 'FAULTY',
   "intervalSeconds": <Number>,
   "maxLag": <Number>,
   "numOfVmsLaggingOverThreshold": <Number>,
   "numOfVmsPaused": <Number>,
   "numOfVmsReplicating": <Number>,
   "numOfVmsWithReplError": <Number>,
   "paused": <Boolean>,
   "testedWhen": <Date>,
   "throughputMbPs": <Number>,
   "timeEnd": DateTime,
   "timeStart": DateTime,
   "aggregatedLinkError": TintriError,

aggregatedLinkErrorTintriErrorError resulted from testing the replication link or from any the VMs on this replication link.
faultReasonsxsd:list[NO_FAULT | VMA_LAGGING | VM_CONFIG_ERROR | LINK_TEST_FAILED]A list of possible reasons for a faulty link.
NO_FAULTEssentially the link is WORKING or UNKNOWN
VMA_LAGGINGAt least one VM is lagging on that link for the given time period
VM_CONFIG_ERRORAt least one VM has encountered replication config error for the given time period
LINK_TEST_FAILEDTest link call returned error

aggregatedLinkStatusUNKNOWN | DELETED | WORKING | FAULTYComputed and aggregated status of the link.
UNKNOWNTypically used when TGC in unable to test the link directly. Contract here is 'test status' can be unknown while aggregated status by default will be WORKING or carry over of the last aggregated state.
DELETEDThe link has been deleted. We will be having data retained for a while and hence need to model deleted.
WORKINGWorking as expected, can be shown as RED on UI.
FAULTYLink is faulty: an error might have occurred, a VM configured on this link might have encountered an error, or a VM configured on this link might be lagging beyond acceptable numbers
intervalSecondsxsd:longThe interval between datapoints in seconds
maxLagxsd:intLargest lag value(minutes) among the VMs on this replication link.
numOfVmsLaggingOverThresholdxsd:intNumber of VMs that lag on this replication link for this period.
numOfVmsPausedxsd:intNumber of VMs which are paused on this replication link for this period.
numOfVmsReplicatingxsd:intNumber of VMs which are configured to replicate on this link.
numOfVmsWithReplErrorxsd:intNumber of VMs which are found with an error on this link for this period.
pausedxsd:boolean'True' indicates that the link is paused and no data is transferring. 'False' indicates the link is active and transferring data.
testedWhenxsd:datetimeTimestamp when the link was last tested.
throughputMbPsxsd:doubleData replicated in this duration. (Mb/sec)
timeEndDateTimeThe end time of the interval.
timeStartDateTimeThe start time of the interval.