Name: Page

Models a list of items which make a page for API client. It includes list of 'typedBean' items, number of total pages in the query request, current page number and some additional metadata like time needed to complete the request and last update time.

Data Structure
   "typeId": "",
   "absoluteTotal": <Number>,
   "completedIn": <Number>,
   "filteredTotal": <Number>,
   "lastUpdatedTime": DateTime,
   "limit": <Number>,
   "next": <String>,
   "offset": <Number>,
   "offsetMatchFound": <Boolean>,
   "overflow": <Boolean>,
   "page": <Number>,
   "pageTotal": <Number>,
   "prev": <String>,
   "total": <Number>,
   "items": [?],

typedBean (wrapped by items)xsd:list[?]List of outgoing items

absoluteTotalxsd:longThe absolute number of requested objects without any qualifications including filtering, active, or deleted.
completedInxsd:longTime in milliseconds indicating how long it took to serve the request
filteredTotalxsd:longThe number of objects as specified by the filter. If no filter was requested, it would be same as total.
lastUpdatedTimeDateTimeThe time when the page was accesed.
limitxsd:intThe client requested limit for the number of items in a page. Default is 2000.
nextxsd:stringThe URL query string to fetch the next page.
offsetxsd:intThe client requested index of an item in the page. Offset could be provided as follows offset= offset=name: offset=position:
offsetMatchFoundxsd:booleanIndicates if the requested item/(s) is/are found.
 For example, in case of GET VM call offset could be provided as "offset=name:"; 
 OffsetMatchFound will be 
  'True' if requested VM(s) is found, 
  'False' otherwise
overflowxsd:booleanA flag giving notice the amount of data did not fit into the given specified or default offset.
pagexsd:intThe current page number.
pageTotalxsd:intThe total number of pages available.
prevxsd:stringThe URL query string to fetch the previous page.
totalxsd:longThe number of active objects.