Name: VirtualMachineSnapshotInfo

This container object has every detail about a Snapshot. Key parts are snapshot schedules, the base snapshot that the VM was cloned from, when the last snapshot was replicated, and etc.

Data Structure
   "typeId": "",
   "baseCreationTime": <Date>,
   "baseVmName": <String>,
   "cloneFromSnapshot": <String>,
   "highFrequencySnapshotState": <String>,
   "isSystemDefaultSchedule": <Boolean>,
   "latestReplicatedSnapshotTime": DateTime,
   "schedulesInternal": <String>,
   "base": Snapshot,
   "bases": [Snapshot],
   "cloneFromSnapshots": [SnapshotBasicInfo],
   "highFrequencySnapshotConfig": HighFrequencySnapshotConfig,
   "latest": Snapshot,
   "latestReplicated": Snapshot,
   "schedules": [VirtualMachineSnapshotSchedule],
   "snapshotIdsWithClone": [<String>],
   "useDefaultSystemSchedule": <Boolean>,

baseSnapshotDeprecated. Please use bases instead. Deprecated in v310.21.
basesxsd:list[Snapshot]Obtains the base snapshots information. The base snapshots are list of snapshots that the virtual machine was initially cloned from.
cloneFromSnapshotsxsd:list[SnapshotBasicInfo]Get list of basic information of the base snapshots, including VM name, creation time, snapshot Tintri UUID.
highFrequencySnapshotConfigHighFrequencySnapshotConfigGet the high frequency snapshot policy configuration.
latestSnapshotObtains the latest snapshot information.
latestReplicatedSnapshotObtains the snapshot information that was last replicated of all outgoing replication destinations. If there is no outgoing replication configured, it is the last incoming replicated snapshot
schedulesxsd:list[VirtualMachineSnapshotSchedule]Obtains the VM's snapshot schedules.
snapshotIdsWithClonexsd:list[xsd:string]Get list of Tintri Snapshot ID that represents snapshot of this virtual machine that has clone reference count > 0.
useDefaultSystemSchedulexsd:booleanCheck if default system schedules are used

baseCreationTimexsd:datetimeGet the creation time of the base snapshot
baseVmNamexsd:stringDeprecated. Please use vmName in CloneFromSnapshots instead. Deprecated in v310.21.
cloneFromSnapshotxsd:stringDeprecated. Please use cloneFromSnapshots instead. Deprecated in v310.21.
highFrequencySnapshotStatexsd:stringThe high frequency replication state if the VM is LIVE; 'Disabled' if the VM is not configured or the number of minutes an alert will be generated if it breaches the user specified threshold. i.e. 'Alert after 5 minutes'
isSystemDefaultSchedulexsd:boolean'True' indicates that the snapshot schedule is the system default. 'False' indicates a custom snapshot schedule is in affect.
latestReplicatedSnapshotTimeDateTimeObtains the latest replicated snapshot of all outgoing destination time in milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970. If there is no outgoing replication configured, it is time of last incoming replicated snapshot.
schedulesInternalxsd:stringGet an internal representation of the snapshot schedules. This attribute is meant to be used internally for sorting and filtering on Tintri server side. Not recommended for any API user.