Name: RecommendationOutcome

Explains the expected condition on a VMstore after the VMs are moved which is a result accepting the issues in the Recommendation. The outcome contains an updated version of any metrics identified in the Analysis, space, IOPS, and flash. The outcome also includes additional information such as whether any data protection policies would be broken by accepting the recommendation.

Data Structure
   "typeId": "",
   "lastUpdatedTime": DateTime,
   "summary": <String>,
   "vmStoreDisplayName": <String>,
   "vmStoreId": <String>,
   "flashInfo": RecommendationFlashOutcome,
   "iopsInfo": RecommendationIopsOutcome,
   "protectionInfo": RecommendationProtectionOutcome,
   "spaceInfo": RecommendationSpaceOutcome,

flashInfoRecommendationFlashOutcomeThe predicted outcome for flash hit rate.
iopsInfoRecommendationIopsOutcomeThe predicted outcome for I/O load.
protectionInfoRecommendationProtectionOutcomeThe predicted outcome for protection violation.
spaceInfoRecommendationSpaceOutcomeThe predicted space consumption post-recommendation.

lastUpdatedTimeDateTimeThe last time the outcome was updated in the format
summaryxsd:stringA summary describing the outcome.
vmStoreDisplayNamexsd:stringThe display name of VMstore to which this outcome applies.
vmStoreIdxsd:stringVMstore Tintri UUID of this recommended outcome.