Name: DatastoreReplicationPathThrottle

Bean definition to model replication throttle schedule to be applied on a network connection to a replication destination.

Data Structure
   "typeId": "",
   "isEnabled": <Boolean>,
   "throughputNonThrottledMbps": <Number>,
   "throughputThrottledMbps": <Number>,
   "timeEnd": <String>,
   "timeStart": <String>,

isEnabledxsd:booleanThe throttle enable/disable flag. True' indicates the throttle is enabled and 'false' indicates disabled.
throughputNonThrottledMbpsxsd:longNon throttled bandwidth in Mb/sec.
throughputThrottledMbpsxsd:longThrottled bandwidth in Mb/sec.
timeEndxsd:stringTime when peak bandwidth ends and non-peak value takes effect. It is in cron format.
timeStartxsd:stringStart time to apply peak bandwidth. It is in cron format.