Name: ApplianceIpmi

Tintri Appliance IPMI configuration.

Data Structure
   "typeId": "",
   "gateway": <String>,
   "ipA": <String>,
   "ipB": <String>,
   "isEnabled": <Boolean>,
   "netmask": <String>,
   "password": <String>,
   "username": <String>,
   "vlanId": <String>,

gatewayxsd:stringThe gateway address for IPMI.
ipAxsd:stringThe first IP address.
ipBxsd:stringThe second IP address.
isEnabledxsd:boolean'True' indicates that IPMI is enabled. 'False' indicates that IMPI is disabled.
netmaskxsd:stringThe netmask for IPMI.
passwordxsd:stringThe user password for IMPI.
usernamexsd:stringThe user name for IMPI.
vlanIdxsd:stringThe VLAN ID for IPMI.