Name: VirtualMachineStatDownloadableReportFilter

Contains the filter properties for downloadable virtual machine statistics reports. Properties specified in VirtualMachieStatDownloadableReportFilter are used in creating a URL that is used to download a report with the specified properties.

Data Structure
   "typeId": "",
   "attachment": <String>,
   "attributes": 'VmName' | 'Uuid' | 'ReadIops' | 'WriteIops' | 'TotalIops' | 'ReadMBps' | 'WriteMBps' | 'TotalMBps' | 'ReservesAutoAllocated' | 'ReservesPinned' | 'ReservesActual' | 'ReservesChange' | 'ReservesChangePercent' | 'ReservesUsed' | 'ReservesRemaining' | 'TotalLatency' | 'HostLatency' | 'NetworkLatency' | 'StorageLatency' | 'DiskLatency' | 'FlashHitPercent' | 'SpaceProvisioned' | 'SpaceUsedLive' | 'SpaceUsedTintriSnapshots' | 'SpaceUsedVmwareSnaphots' | 'SpaceUsedChange' | 'SpaceUsedChangePercent' | 'SpaceUsed' | 'SpaceChangePerDay' | 'SpaceUsedDifferenceFromMaxInSet' | 'EsxHostCpuPercent' | 'ReadyPercent' | 'SwapWaitPercent' | 'AlignedIOPercent' | 'ReplicationTimeRemaining' | 'ReplicationBytesRemaining' | 'ReplicationIncomingLogicalMBps' | 'ReplicationIncomingPhysicalMBps' | 'ReplicationOutgoingLogicalMBps' | 'ReplicationOutgoingPhysicalMBps',
   "format": 'CSV' | 'JSON',
   "since": <String>,
   "until": <String>,

attachmentxsd:stringDownloadable report name.
attributesxsd:list[VmName | Uuid | ReadIops | WriteIops | TotalIops | ReadMBps | WriteMBps | TotalMBps | ReservesAutoAllocated | ReservesPinned | ReservesActual | ReservesChange | ReservesChangePercent | ReservesUsed | ReservesRemaining | TotalLatency | HostLatency | NetworkLatency | StorageLatency | DiskLatency | FlashHitPercent | SpaceProvisioned | SpaceUsedLive | SpaceUsedTintriSnapshots | SpaceUsedVmwareSnaphots | SpaceUsedChange | SpaceUsedChangePercent | SpaceUsed | SpaceChangePerDay | SpaceUsedDifferenceFromMaxInSet | EsxHostCpuPercent | ReadyPercent | SwapWaitPercent | AlignedIOPercent | ReplicationTimeRemaining | ReplicationBytesRemaining | ReplicationIncomingLogicalMBps | ReplicationIncomingPhysicalMBps | ReplicationOutgoingLogicalMBps | ReplicationOutgoingPhysicalMBps]A list of attributes that are to be included in the report.
VmNameVM name
UuidVM Tintri UUID
ReadIopsRead I/O operations per second
WriteIopsWrite I/O operations per second
TotalIopsTotal I/O operations per second
ReadMBpsRead throughput in MiB per second
WriteMBpsWrite throughput in MiB per second
TotalMBpsTotal throughput in MiB per second
ReservesAutoAllocatedReserves allocated by TXOS
ReservesPinnedReserves pinned
ReservesActualActual reserves
ReservesChangeReserves changed
ReservesChangePercentReserves percent changed
ReservesUsedReserves used
ReservesRemainingReserves remaning
TotalLatencyTotal latency in milliseconds
HostLatencyHost latency in milliseconds
NetworkLatencyNetwork latency in milliseconds
StorageLatencyStorage latency in milliseconds
DiskLatencyDisk latency in milliseconds
FlashHitPercentFlash hit percentage
SpaceProvisionedLogical space allocated on the datastore in GiB
SpaceUsedLiveLogical space used for live VM data and hypervisor snapshots in GiB
SpaceUsedTintriSnapshotsSpace used for Tintri snapshots in GiB
SpaceUsedVmwareSnaphotsSpace used for hypervisor snapshots in GiB
SpaceUsedChangeLive logical space minus the start data point line logical space in GiB
SpaceUsedChangePercentLive logical space changed percentage
SpaceUsedSpace used in GiB
SpaceChangePerDaySpace changed per day in GiB
SpaceUsedDifferenceFromMaxInSetLive maximum space minus the live used in GiB
EsxHostCpuPercentCPU percentage used by host
ReadyPercentPercentage when the virtual machine was ready, but did run
SwapWaitPercentCPU percentage spent waiting for swap-in
AlignedIOPercentCPU percentage spent aligning the I/O
ReplicationTimeRemainingTime to complete replication in seconds
ReplicationBytesRemainingBytes remaining to complete replication
ReplicationIncomingLogicalMBpsDestination's incoming logical replication throughput in MiB per second
ReplicationIncomingPhysicalMBpsDestination's incoming physical replication throughput in MiB per second
ReplicationOutgoingLogicalMBpsDestination's outgoing logical replication throughput in MiB per second
ReplicationOutgoingPhysicalMBpsDestination's outgoing physical replication throughput in MiB per second
formatCSV | JSONDownloadable report format.
CSVComma Separated Values
JSONJavaScript Object Notation
sincexsd:stringThe start time of the report data collection period specifed in ISO8601 format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ. If not specified, defaults to the latest time point. .
untilxsd:stringThe end time of the report data collection period specifed in ISO8601 format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ. If not specified, defaults to the latest time point.