Name: XenServerHost

XenServer host information, including UUID, name, host name, host IP, version, etc.

Data Structure
   "typeId": "",
   "hostIP": <String>,
   "hostName": <String>,
   "hostPingStatus": <String>,
   "isMaster": <Boolean>,
   "name": <String>,
   "uuid": <String>,
   "version": <String>,

hostIPxsd:stringIP address for XenServer host. IPv4 is the only supported version.
hostNamexsd:stringHost name of XenServer host.
hostPingStatusxsd:stringPing status from VMstore to XenServer host.
isMasterxsd:boolean'True' indicates the host is the master host of XenServer Pool. 'False' indicates the host is the slave host of XenServer Pool. For stand alone XenServer, this will always be 'True'.
namexsd:stringName of XenServer host.
uuidxsd:stringUUID of XenServer host.
versionxsd:stringSoftware version of XenServer host.