Name: SvgDownloadableReportFilter

Contains the filter properties for downloadable service group reports. Properties specified in SvgDownloadableReportFilter are used in creating a URL that is used to download a report with the specified properties.

Data Structure
   "typeId": "",
   "attachment": <String>,
   "attributes": 'Name' | 'Description' | 'NamePatterns' | 'HypervisorPaths' | 'GroupsPrioritiesHigher' | 'MemberCount' | 'SnapshotSchedules',
   "format": 'CSV' | 'JSON',
   "since": <String>,
   "until": <String>,

attachmentxsd:stringDownloadable report name.
attributesxsd:list[Name | Description | NamePatterns | HypervisorPaths | GroupsPrioritiesHigher | MemberCount | SnapshotSchedules]A list of attributes that are to be included in the report.
NameInclude name
DescriptionInclude description
NamePatternsInclude name patterns
HypervisorPathsInclude hypervisor paths
GroupsPrioritiesHigherInclude groups with higher priority
MemberCountInclude member count
SnapshotSchedulesInclude snapshot schedules
formatCSV | JSONDownloadable report format.
CSVComma Separated Values
JSONJavaScript Object Notation
sincexsd:stringThe start time of the report data collection period specifed in ISO8601 format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ. If not specified, defaults to the latest time point. .
untilxsd:stringThe end time of the report data collection period specifed in ISO8601 format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ. If not specified, defaults to the latest time point.