Name: VirtualDisk

Entity represents the encapsulation of virtual disks with its properties.

Data Structure
   "typeId": "",
   "isAutoAligned": <Boolean>,
   "lastUpdatedTime": DateTime,
   "localAlias": <String>,
   "typeDescription": <String>,
   "vmName": <String>,
   "datastoreUuid": Uuid,
   "displayName": <String>,
   "instanceUuid": <String>,
   "isDiskDrive": <Boolean>,
   "isPinned": <Boolean>,
   "isSynthetic": <Boolean>,
   "name": <String>,
   "path": <String>,
   "stat": CommonStat,
   "syncVmConfig": VirtualMachineSyncVmConfig,
   "uuid": Uuid,
   "vmUuid": Uuid,

datastoreUuidUuidObtain the datastore UUID associated with this VDisk.
displayNamexsd:stringThe display name of the virtual disk
instanceUuidxsd:stringThe UUID of this virtual disk
isDiskDrivexsd:boolean'True' indicates a virtual disk drive. 'False' indicates that it is not a virtual disk drive; however, it might be a synthetic disk or a disk representing swap file.
isPinnedxsd:booleanThe "pinned" status of this disk. 'True' indicates that the virtual disk is pinned. 'False' indicates that it is not. Pinned virtual disks are pinned in flash storage and deliver better performance.
isSyntheticxsd:boolean'True' indicates that the virtual disk is a synthetic virtual disk. 'False' indicates that it is not. Synthetic disks are virtual disks that aren't part of a VM
namexsd:stringThe name of the virtual disk
pathxsd:stringGet the absolute file system path to the virtual disk. For NFS virtual disk, the format is: folder/virtualMachineName/virtualDisk.vmdk For SMB virtual disk, the format is: \\datastore-data\share1\virtualMachineName\virtualDisk.vhdx,\\datastore-data\share1\virtualMachineName\virtualDisk.vhd
statCommonStatGet the performance statistics for the virtual disk
syncVmConfigVirtualMachineSyncVmConfigObtain the SyncVM File-Level Restore properties.
uuidUuidUnique Tintri UUID for the object
vmUuidUuidObtains the VM Tintri UUID that owns this VDisk.

isAutoAlignedxsd:boolean'True' indicates that the virtual disk is automatically aligned. 'False' indicates that it is not. Auto-aligned disks deliver better performance
lastUpdatedTimeDateTimeLast time the entity is updated in the format
localAliasxsd:stringAlias used for the entity instance in this Tintri API server. If an alias is not set, then localAlias is not returned.
typeDescriptionxsd:stringThe type of the virtual disk (e.g. vmdk) - currently undocumented
vmNamexsd:stringObtain the VM name that owns this VDisk.