Name: PhaseTimingStats

PhaseTimingStats class is the container for all PhaseTimerStat objects

Data Structure
   "typeId": "",
   "endTime": DateTime,
   "lastUpdatedTime": DateTime,
   "model": <String>,
   "numberOfSlices": <Number>,
   "startTime": DateTime,
   "commonUuid": Uuid,
   "sortedStats": java.util.Collection,

commonUuidUuidApplicable to all of the samples in the collection. When a sample does not have any UUID, this will be used. If sample has UUID, this will be ignored.
sortedStat (wrapped by sortedStats)java.util.CollectionThe collection of statistics that have been gathered between the start and end times sorted in order from start time to end time.

endTimeDateTimeThe end time of this collection of statistics.
lastUpdatedTimeDateTimeTime stamp when the object is last updated.
numberOfSlicesxsd:intThe number of performance slices in stortedStat collection.
startTimeDateTimeThe start time of this collection of statistics.