Name: ReplLink

The managed entity stands for a network path between two VMstores or even two TGC managed cluster members over which VMs are replicated from one VMstore to another using Tintri Replication Proprietary Technology. Existing bean "beans.repl.DatastoreReplicationPath" is a model for replication link from a datastore perspective, essentially a view from one end of the link whereas ReplLink is an abstraction of the same physical entity at the TGC managed cluster lever where we can afford to take a view of 'both ends of the link' rather than having a 'tunnel vision' from a single link end point. What additional value does it bring then? Basically to view the replication link in a cluster perspective enabling our end users to explore other avenues whenever we see problem on one single link,

Data Structure
   "typeId": "",
   "dataProtecedInAWeek": <Number>,
   "dataProtectedInADay": <Number>,
   "destClusterMemberId": <String>,
   "destIp": <String>,
   "destPassphrase": <String>,
   "destPort": <Number>,
   "displayName": <String>,
   "lastUpdatedTime": DateTime,
   "localAlias": <String>,
   "sourceClusterMemberId": <String>,
   "sourceIp": <String>,
   "type": 'OUTGOING' | 'INCOMING',
   "linkThrottle": DatastoreReplicationPathThrottle,
   "stat": Stats,
   "uuid": Uuid,

linkThrottleDatastoreReplicationPathThrottleThrottling policy in effect for the link (we do not track it historically, it always the latest value)
statStatsContains one or more performance slice including the latest period.
uuidUuidUnique Tintri UUID for the object

dataProtecedInAWeekxsd:doubleAmount of data protected(MB) in the last week.
dataProtectedInADayxsd:doubleAmount of data protected(MB) in the last 24 hours.
destClusterMemberIdxsd:stringThe local ID of link destination.
destIpxsd:stringIP address of the destination VMstore used for the link.
destPassphrasexsd:stringPassphrase used on destination
destPortxsd:intPort on destination VMstore used for the link
displayNamexsd:stringUser assigned name for the replication link.
lastUpdatedTimeDateTimeLast time the entity is updated in the format
localAliasxsd:stringAlias used for the entity instance in this Tintri API server. If an alias is not set, then localAlias is not returned.
sourceClusterMemberIdxsd:stringThe local ID of link source.
sourceIpxsd:stringIP address of the source VMstore used for the link.
typeOUTGOING | INCOMINGThe type of replication path relative to this node.
OUTGOINGReplication link which replicates data from this VMstore to a remote VMstore
INCOMINGReplication link which replicates data from a remote VMstore to this VMstore