Class Documentation¶
Tintri Class¶
(code, message, details)¶ Bases:
Tintri APi not found error (HTTP status code: 404)
(code, message, details)¶ Bases:
Tintri authentication error (HTTP status code: 403)
(code, message, details)¶ Bases:
Tintri authorization error (HTTP status code: 403)
(code, message, details)¶ Bases:
Tintri bad request error (HTTP status code: 400)
(host, username=None, password=None, api_version='310', logger_name='tintri', auto_login=True, disable_cert_warning=True, custom_client_header=None, auto_page=True)¶ Bases:
A version-independent Tintri base class. This class should not be instantiated; only extended sublcasses should be instantiated.
¶ Specifies if session should auto-login in the event of session expiry, default value=True
Returns: auto_login Return type: bool
¶ auto_page flag is used to change the behavior of pagination as desired, default value=True
Server Response auto_page API Return value Pagination List True Page No pagination as there is single page List False List Not applicable Page True Page On item iteration, Automatically fetches next page Page False Page Item iteration stops at current page, user has to manually fetch next or previous page Returns: auto_page Return type: bool
(new_password)¶ Change the Tintri server password
Parameters: new_password (str) – New password for logged in user. Returns: credentials role name Return type: str
¶ Value associated with ‘Tintri-Api-Client’ key in REST API header, default value=Tintri-PythonSDK-<PySdkVersion>
Returns: Custom client header Return type: str
(report_url, file_name)¶ Downloads the file pointed by URL.
()¶ Indicates if the Tintri server is logged into
Returns: True if logged in Return type: bool
()¶ Indicates if the Tintri server is a TGC
Returns: True if logged into a TGC Return type: bool
()¶ Indicates if the Tintri server is a VMstore
Returns: True if logged into a VMstore Return type: bool
¶ Logger object used for logging
Returns: logger object Return type: Logger
(username=None, password=None)¶ Login to Tintri API server, username and password won’t be cached
Parameters: Returns: credentials role name
Return type:
()¶ Logout from Tintri server
(cause=None, message=None, details=None)¶ Bases:
Base class of all Tintri specific exceptions
(code, message, details)¶ Bases:
Tintri internal error (HTTP status code: 500)
(code, message, details)¶ Bases:
Tintri invalid session error (HTTP status code: 401)
(status, code=None, cause=None, message=None, details=None)¶ Bases:
Exception returned from Tintri server (VMstore or TGC)
¶ Bases:
Version class of a Tintri server across all Tintri API versions
(paginated=False, auto_page=False, items=None, context={})¶ -
¶ Absolute number of requested objects without any qualifications including filtering, active, or deleted
¶ Time in milliseconds indicating how long it took to serve the request
¶ Number of objects as specified by filter. If no filter was requested, it would be same as total
()¶ Return next page if it exists
()¶ Return previous page if it exists
¶ Time when the page was accessed
()¶ Iterates items in page along with navigating to next page
¶ Indicates if requested item(s) is/are found
¶ Flag giving notice the amount of data did not fit into the given specified or default offset
¶ Total number of pages
¶ Current page number
¶ Total number of active objects across all pages
Tintri V310 Class¶
(host, username=None, password=None, api_version='310', logger_name='tintri', auto_login=True, disable_cert_warning=True, custom_client_header=None, auto_page=True)¶ Bases:
Tintri class which provides APIs to interact with Tintri Server.
(vmstore_pool_id, recommendation_id)Accept a Recommendation. A Recommendation can only be accepted when Recommendation is in Available and Available_Acked state. All other states, an error will be returned.
Supported on: TGC (since v310.51)
(vmstore_pool_id, recommendation_id)Acknowledge a Recommendation. If Recommendation is not in Available state, an error will be returned.
Supported on: TGC (since v310.51)
(task_id)Acknowledge a job
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: task_id (str) – The ID of the Task to be acknowledged.
(appliance_id, cert)Upload a certificate to VMStore.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: - appliance_id (str) – Appliance object’s UUID
- cert (Certificate) – An instance of Certificate
(vmstore)Add a VMstore to Tintri Global Center
Supported on: TGC (all versions)
Parameters: vmstore (Vmstore) – VMStore and its properties Returns: VMStore with the new Tintri UUID assigned by the system Return type: Vmstore
(service_group_id)Apply QOS config on service group.
Supported on: TGC (all versions)
Parameters: service_group_id (str) – service group id
(role_id, external_groups)Associates collection of external groups with an access control role
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: - role_id (str) – access control role id
- external_groups (List[str]) – collection of external groups
(vmstore_pool_id, recommendation_id)Cancel a Recommendation. If Recommendation is not in accepted state, an error will be returned.
Supported on: TGC (since v310.51)
(clonespec, wait, refreshInterval)Clone a VM
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: - clonespec (VirtualMachineCloneSpec) – Clone spec
- wait (bool) – True if wait for clone VM task to complete, False otherwise
- refreshInterval (int) – interval to refresh task status
Returns: task ID
Return type:
(vm_ids)Convert a collection of VMs and all their files to thin-provisioning for maximum space savings. If a VM is already thin-provisioned, then it will be skipped. This operation is only allowed on T800 series or newer models of VMStore and supported for VMs originating from VMWare Hypervisor only.
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.11)
Parameters: vm_ids (List[str]) – A list of VM IDs.
(obj, datastore_id, fileshare_name)Creates an Acl object.
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.11)
Parameters: Returns: The Ace object created.
Return type:
(repot_filter)Gets the URL for retrieving specified alert report.
Supported on: TGC (all versions)
Parameters: repot_filter (AlertDownloadableReportFilter) – filter for generating report Returns: URL to retrieve alert list report Return type: str
(obj, appliance_id)Creates an ApplianceSnmpTarget object
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: - obj (ApplianceSnmpTarget) – An instance of ApplianceSnmpTarget.
- appliance_id (str) – Appliance object’s UUID.
(obj, appliance_id)Creates an ApplianceSnmpUser object
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: - obj (ApplianceSnmpUser) – An instance of ApplianceSnmpUser.
- appliance_id (str) – Appliance object’s UUID.
(appliance_id)Generate new self-signed host certificate with hostname and IP address in the Subject Alternative Name extension on VMstore.
Supported on: TGC (since v310.41)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – Appliance object’s UUID
(obj, datastore_id)Creates a DatastoreReplicationPath object.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: - obj (DatastoreReplicationPath) – An instance of DatastoreReplicationPath.
- datastore_id (str) – Datastore Object’s UUID
Returns: The DatastoreReplicationPath object created.
Return type:
(datastore_id, report_filter)Create a URL for retrieving the system historical performance statistics report which is returned as output.
Supported on: TGC (all versions)
Parameters: - datastore_id (str) – Datastore object’s UUID
- report_filter (DatastoreStatDownloadableReportFilter) – filter for generating the report
Returns: URL to retrieve historic datastore statistics report
Return type:
(obj, datastore_id)Creates a HypervisorManagerConfig object.
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.21)
Parameters: - obj (HypervisorManagerConfig) – An instance of HypervisorManagerConfig.
- datastore_id (str) – Datastore Object’s UUID
Returns: The HypervisorManagerConfig object created.
Return type:
(obj)Creates a License object.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: obj (License) – An instance of License. Returns: The License object created. Return type: License
(license_report_filter)Get license list report as URL
Supported on: TGC (since v310.51)
Parameters: license_report_filter (LicenseDownloadableReportFilter) – License report filter Returns: URL to retrieve license list report Return type: str
(license_str)Adds one or more licenses.
Supported on: TGC (since v310.51)
Parameters: license_str (str) – string of one of more license keys separated by comma, space or line break Returns: List of validated or failed licenses Return type: List[str]
(obj)Creates a Service Group on the server.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: obj (ServiceGroup) – An instance of ServiceGroup. Returns: The created ServiceGroup UUID. Return type: (str)
(report_filter)Get a URL for retrieving service group report
Supported on: TGC (all versions)
Parameters: report_filter (SvgDownloadableReportFilter) – filter for generating the report Returns: URL to retrieve service group list report Return type: str
(SnapshotSpes)Creates a snapshots from a list of snapshot specification.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: SnapshotSpes (List[SnapshotSpec]) – List of SnapshotSpecs. Returns: A list of created snapshot UUIDs. Return type: (List[str])
(obj)Creates an UserAccount object.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: obj (UserAccount) – An instance of UserAccount. Returns: The UserAccount object created. Return type: UserAccount
(vm_id, report_filter)Creates a URL for retrieving specified VM historical statistics report.
Supported on: TGC (all versions)
Parameters: - vm_id (str) – VM Object’s UUID
- report_filter (VirtualMachineStatDownloadableReportFilter) – Filter to use for generating report
Returns: URL to the report
Return type:
(report_filter)Creates a URL for retrieving specified VM list report.
Supported on: TGC (all versions)
Parameters: report_filter (VirtualMachineDownloadableReportFilter) – Filter to use for generating report Returns: URL to the report Return type: str
(report_filter)Creates a URL for retrieving specified VM pool report.
Supported on: TGC (since v310.51)
Parameters: report_filter (VmstorePoolDownloadableReportFilter) – Filter to use for generating report Returns: URL to the report Return type: str
(obj)Creates a Vmstore object.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: obj (Vmstore) – An instance of Vmstore. Returns: The Vmstore object created. Return type: Vmstore
(report_filter)Creates a URL for retrieving specified VM historical statistics report.
Supported on: TGC (all versions)
Parameters: report_filter (VMstoreDownloadableReportFilter) – Filter to use for generating report Returns: URL to the report Return type: str
(obj)Creates a VmstorePool object.
Supported on: TGC (since v310.51)
Parameters: obj (VmstorePool) – An instance of VmstorePool. Returns: The VmstorePool object created. Return type: VmstorePool
(datastore_id, fileshare_id, ace_id)Deletes the Ace object specified by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.11)
(appliance_id)Deletes the Appliance object specified by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – Appliance Object’s UUID
(appliance_id, target_id)Deletes the ApplianceSnmpTarget object specified by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
(appliance_id, snmp_username)Deletes the ApplianceSnmpUser object specified by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
(appliance_id, certificate_id)Deletes the Certificate object specified by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
(datastore_id, repl_id)Deletes the DatastoreReplicationPath object specified by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
(datastore_id, config_id)Deletes the HypervisorManagerConfig object specified by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.21)
(license_key)Deletes the License object specified by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: license_key (str) – License Key
(service_group_id)Deletes the ServiceGroup object specified by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: service_group_id (str) – Service Group Object’s UUID
(snapshot_id)Deletes the Snapshot object specified by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: snapshot_id (str) – Snapshot Object’s UUID
(filter)Removes snapshots that matches given snapshot filter criteria.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: filter (dict or SnapshotFilterSpec) – Filter criteria for the snapshots to be removed. Returns: Formatted string Return type: str
(task_id)Deletes the Task object specified by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: task_id (str) – Task Object’s UUID
(user_account_id)Deletes the UserAccount object specified by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: user_account_id (str) – User Account Object’s UUID
(vm_id)Delete incoming replication configuration for a VM.
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.51)
Parameters: vm_id (str) – VM object’s UUID
(vm_ids)Delete all the virtual disks that restored via SyncVM File-Level Restore operation for each of the targeted virtual machine.
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.31)
Parameters: vm_ids (List[str]) – A list of Virtual Macine object’s UUID
(vmstore_id)Deletes the Vmstore object specified by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: vmstore_id (str) – Vmstore Object’s UUID
(vmstore_pool_id)Deletes the VmstorePool object specified by its ID.
Supported on: TGC (since v310.51)
Parameters: vmstore_pool_id (str) – Vmstore Pool Object’s UUID
(appliance_id)Enables disk encryption.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – Appliance object’s UUID Returns: Appliance disk encryption result Return type: ApplianceDiskEncryptionResult
(datastore_id, fileshare_name, ace_id)Gets a specific Ace object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.11)
Parameters: Returns: The Ace with the specified ID.
Return type:
(datastore_id, fileshare_name)Gets a specific Acl object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.11)
Parameters: Returns: The Acl with the specified ID.
Return type:
()Returns alert properties as specified by a filter request such as VMstore names and log message count.
Supported on: TGC (all versions)
Returns: filter scope Return type: FilterScope
(filters)Gets all Alerts, and returns them in a Page object.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: filters (dict or AlertFilterSpec) – Filter Spec object Returns: Paginated Alert objects. Return type: Page
(appliance_id, filters)Gets Tintri Appliance properties
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: - appliance_id (str) – Appliance object’s UUID. (“default”) is valid.
- filters (dict or PageFilterSpec) – Filter Specification object.
Returns: One appliance instance
Return type:
(appliance_id)Gets a specific ApplianceAlertCounts object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – Appliance Object’s UUID Returns: The ApplianceAlertCounts with the specified ID. Return type: ApplianceAlertCounts
(appliance_id)Gets all ApplianceComponents, and returns them in a Page object.
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.31)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – Appliance Object’s UUID Returns: A list of ApplianceComponent objects. Return type: List[ApplianceComponent]
(appliance_id)Gets all ApplianceControllers, and returns them in a Page object.
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.31)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – Appliance Object’s UUID Returns: A list of ApplianceController objects. Return type: List[ApplianceController]
(appliance_id)Gets a specific ApplianceCustomizationInfo object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – Appliance Object’s UUID Returns: The ApplianceCustomizationInfo with the specified ID. Return type: ApplianceCustomizationInfo
(appliance_id)Gets a specific ApplianceDateTime object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – Appliance Object’s UUID Returns: The ApplianceDateTime with the specified ID. Return type: ApplianceDateTime
(appliance_id)Gets a specific ApplianceDiskEncryptionInfo object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – Appliance Object’s UUID Returns: The ApplianceDiskEncryptionInfo with the specified ID. Return type: ApplianceDiskEncryptionInfo
(appliance_id)Gets all ApplianceDisks, and returns them in a Page object.
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.31)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – Appliance Object’s UUID Returns: A list of ApplianceDisk objects. Return type: List[ApplianceDisk]
(appliance_id)Gets a specific ApplianceDns object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – Appliance Object’s UUID Returns: The ApplianceDns with the specified ID. Return type: ApplianceDns
(appliance_id)Gets a specific ApplianceEmail object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – Appliance Object’s UUID Returns: The ApplianceEmail with the specified ID. Return type: ApplianceEmail
(appliance_id)Gets a specific ApplianceEmailAlerts object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – Appliance Object’s UUID Returns: The ApplianceEmailAlerts with the specified ID. Return type: ApplianceEmailAlerts
(appliance_id)Gets a specific ApplianceFailedComponents object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – Appliance Object’s UUID Returns: The ApplianceFailedComponents with the specified ID. Return type: ApplianceFailedComponents
(appliance_id)Gets a specific ApplianceInfo object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – Appliance Object’s UUID Returns: The ApplianceInfo with the specified ID. Return type: ApplianceInfo
(appliance_id)Gets a specific ApplianceIpmi object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – Appliance Object’s UUID Returns: The ApplianceIpmi with the specified ID. Return type: ApplianceIpmi
(appliance_id)Gets all ApplianceIps, and returns them in a Page object.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – Appliance Object’s UUID Returns: A list of ApplianceIp objects. Return type: List[ApplianceIp]
(appliance_id)Gets a specific ApplianceLacp object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – Appliance Object’s UUID Returns: The ApplianceLacp with the specified ID. Return type: ApplianceLacp
(appliance_id)Gets a specific ApplianceMaintenanceMode object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – Appliance Object’s UUID Returns: The ApplianceMaintenanceMode with the specified ID. Return type: ApplianceMaintenanceMode
(appliance_id)Gets a specific ApplianceOperationalInfo object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – Appliance Object’s UUID Returns: The ApplianceOperationalInfo with the specified ID. Return type: ApplianceOperationalInfo
(appliance_id)Gets a specific ApplianceSnmp object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – Appliance Object’s UUID Returns: The ApplianceSnmp with the specified ID. Return type: ApplianceSnmp
(appliance_id, target_id)Gets a specific ApplianceSnmpTarget object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: Returns: The ApplianceSnmpTarget with the specified ID.
Return type:
(appliance_id)Get all the SNMP trap targets information. Currently, only one trap target is supported.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – The appliance ID. Returns: The list of all the SNMP trap target configurations. Return type: Response
(appliance_id, snmp_username)Gets a specific ApplianceSnmpUser object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: Returns: The ApplianceSnmpUser with the specified ID.
Return type:
(appliance_id)Gets SNMP users.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – The appliance ID. Returns: The list of all the SNMP user configurations. Return type: Response
(appliance_id)Gets a specific ApplianceSupport object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – Appliance Object’s UUID Returns: The ApplianceSupport with the specified ID. Return type: ApplianceSupport
(appliance_id)Gets a specific ApplianceSyslogForwarding object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – Appliance Object’s UUID Returns: The ApplianceSyslogForwarding with the specified ID. Return type: ApplianceSyslogForwarding
(appliance_id)Returns list of time zones supported by the server
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – Appliance object’s UUID Returns: List of string representation of time zones Return type: List[str]
(appliance_id)Gets the Tintri appliance upgrade information, which includes upgrade state, checksum, version, error message. This is asynchronous information
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – Appliance object’s UUID Returns: Appliance upgrade information Return type: ApplianceUpgradeInfo
(filters)Gets all Appliances, and returns them in a Page object.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: filters (dict or PageFilterSpec) – Filter Spec object Returns: A list of Appliance objects. Return type: List[Appliance]
(appliance_id, certificate_id)Returns certificate(s) that matche the certificate ID or empty collection if not found.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: Returns: Certificate if found, else None
Return type:
(appliance_id)Gets all Certificates, and returns them in a Page object.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – Appliance Object’s UUID Returns: A list of Certificate objects. Return type: List[Certificate]
()Gets a specific ClusterConfiguration object by its ID.
Supported on: TGC (all versions)
Returns: The ClusterConfiguration with the specified ID. Return type: ClusterConfiguration
(vmstore_pool_id)Gets the current recommendation for specified VMstore pool ID
Supported on: TGC (since v310.51)
Parameters: vmstore_pool_id (str) – Vmstore pool ID
()Gets the current user sessions information
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.51)
Returns: Current User session Return type: UserSession
(datastore_id)Gets a specific Datastore object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: datastore_id (str) – Datastore Object’s UUID Returns: The Datastore with the specified ID. Return type: Datastore
(datastore_id)Gets the historic datastore performance slices containing all of the statistics for the datastore.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: datastore_id (str) – Datastore object’s UUID Returns: Paginated Stats items containing a list of DatastoreStat. Return type: Page
(datastore_id)Gets a specific DatastoreNfsAccesses object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: datastore_id (str) – Datastore Object’s UUID Returns: The DatastoreNfsAccesses with the specified ID. Return type: DatastoreNfsAccesses
(datastore_id)Gets a specific DatastoreQosInfo object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.21)
Parameters: datastore_id (str) – Datastore Object’s UUID Returns: The DatastoreQosInfo with the specified ID. Return type: DatastoreQosInfo
(datastore_id)Gets the real time datastore performance slice containing all of the statistics for the datastore.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: datastore_id (str) – The datastore UUID. Returns: Paginated Stats items containing a list of DatastoreStat. Return type: Page
(datastore_id)Gets a specific DatastoreReplicationInfo object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: datastore_id (str) – Datastore Object’s UUID Returns: The DatastoreReplicationInfo with the specified ID. Return type: DatastoreReplicationInfo
(datastore_id)Gets all DatastoreReplicationPaths, and returns them in a Page object.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: datastore_id (str) – Datastore Object’s UUID Returns: A list of DatastoreReplicationPath objects. Return type: List[DatastoreReplicationPath]
(datastore_id)Gets a specific DatastoreSmbSetting object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.11)
Parameters: datastore_id (str) – Datastore Object’s UUID Returns: The DatastoreSmbSetting with the specified ID. Return type: DatastoreSmbSetting
(datastore_id)Gets the latest historic datastore performance slice containing all of the statistics for the datastore.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: datastore_id (str) – The datastore UUID. Returns: The latest statistics for the datastore. Return type: DatastoreStat
()Gets all Datastores, and returns them in a Page object.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Returns: A list of Datastore objects. Return type: List[Datastore]
(datastore_id)Gets a list of distinct snapshot schedules, including the system default snapshot schedules. The system default snapshot schedules will be listed at the top of the list.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: datastore_id (str) – Datastore object’s UUID Returns: A list of snapshot schedules. Return type: List[VirtualMachineSnapshotSchedule]
()Gets all FilterScopes, and returns them in a Page object.
Supported on: TGC (all versions)
Returns: A list of FilterScope objects. Return type: List[FilterScope]
(datastore_id, query_params)Gets all HypervisorDatastores, and returns them in a Page object.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: Returns: A list of HypervisorDatastore objects.
Return type: List[HypervisorDatastore]
(datastore_id)Gets all HypervisorManagerConfigs, and returns them in a Page object.
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.21)
Parameters: datastore_id (str) – Datastore Object’s UUID Returns: A list of HypervisorManagerConfig objects. Return type: List[HypervisorManagerConfig]
(datastore_id)Find potential Hyper-V hosts from Active Directory that this Datastore can manage.
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.31)
Parameters: datastore_id (str) – Datastore object’s UUID Returns: A list of Hyper-V hosts. Return type: List[HypervisorManagerConfig]
()Gets a specific LicenseSummary object by its ID.
Supported on: TGC (since v310.51)
Returns: The LicenseSummary with the specified ID. Return type: LicenseSummary
()Gets all Licenses, and returns them in a Page object.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Returns: A list of License objects. Return type: List[License]
(service_group_id)Gets a specific PolicyConfig object by its ID.
Supported on: TGC (since v310.21)
Parameters: service_group_id (str) – Service Group Object’s UUID Returns: The PolicyConfig with the specified ID. Return type: PolicyConfig
(appliance_id)Gets a specific RbacExternalConfig object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – Appliance Object’s UUID Returns: The RbacExternalConfig with the specified ID. Return type: RbacExternalConfig
(vmstore_pool_id, recommendation_id)Gets a specific Recommendation object by its ID.
Supported on: TGC (since v310.51)
Parameters: Returns: The Recommendation with the specified ID.
Return type:
(vmstore_pool_id)Gets a list of Recommendation based on query parameters
Supported on: TGC (since v310.51)
Parameters: vmstore_pool_id (str) – Vmstore pool ID
()Gets the replication links
Supported on: TGC (all versions)
Returns: List of replication links Return type: List[ReplLink]
(alert_id)Get access control tole by instance Tintri UUID
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: alert_id (str) – Alert Object Tintri UUID Returns: an access control Role by instance Tintri UUID Return type: GenericRestApiRole
(group_id)Gets a specific RoleExternal object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: group_id (str) – Group Object’s UUID Returns: The RoleExternal with the specified ID. Return type: RoleExternal
()Gets all RoleExternals, and returns them in a Page object.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Returns: A list of RoleExternal objects. Return type: List[RoleExternal]
()Returns a collection of fixed access control Role instances.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Returns: Paginated fixed access control Role instances. Return type: Page
(service_group_id)Gets a specific ServiceGroup object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: service_group_id (str) – Service Group Object’s UUID Returns: The ServiceGroup with the specified ID. Return type: ServiceGroup
(service_group_id, filters)Gets all ServiceGroupMembers, and returns them in a Page object.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: - service_group_id (str) – Service Group Object’s UUID
- filters (dict or PageFilterSpec) – Filter Spec object
Returns: Paginated ServiceGroupMember objects.
Return type:
(service_group_id)Gets a specific ServiceGroupOperationStatus object by its ID.
Supported on: TGC (all versions)
Parameters: service_group_id (str) – Service Group Object’s UUID Returns: The ServiceGroupOperationStatus with the specified ID. Return type: ServiceGroupOperationStatus
(service_group_id)Gets the QOS policy of given service group
Supported on: TGC (since v310.31)
Parameters: service_group_id (str) – service group id Returns: QoS config associated with service group Return type: VirtualMachineQosConfig
(service_group_id)Get QOS operation status of service group
Supported on: TGC (all versions)
Parameters: service_group_id (str) – service group id Returns: QoS operation status Return type: ServiceGroupOperationStatus
(service_group_id)Get replication configuration associated with the service group.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: service_group_id (str) – The service group ID. Returns: The replication configuration associated with the service group. Return type: VirtualMachineReplicationConfig
(service_group_id)Returns list of snapshot schedules which will be applied to members of this service group.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: service_group_id (str) – The service group ID. Returns: List of snapshot schedules associated the service group. Return type: List[VirtualMachineSnapshotSchedule]
(filters)Gets all ServiceGroups, and returns them in a Page object.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: filters (dict or PageFilterSpec) – Filter Spec object Returns: Paginated ServiceGroup objects. Return type: Page
(tid)Gets a specific Snapshot object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: tid (str) – Object’s UUID Returns: The Snapshot with the specified ID. Return type: Snapshot
(filters)Gets all Snapshots, and returns them in a Page object.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: filters (dict or SnapshotFilterSpec) – Filter Spec object Returns: Paginated Snapshot objects. Return type: Page
(service_group_id)Gets a specific SrmConfig object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: service_group_id (str) – Service Group Object’s UUID Returns: The SrmConfig with the specified ID. Return type: SrmConfig
(task_id, filters)Gets a specific Task object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: - task_id (str) – Task Object’s UUID
- filters (dict or TaskFilterSpec) – Filter Spec object
Returns: The Task with the specified ID.
Return type:
(filters)Gets all Tasks, and returns them in a Page object.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: filters (dict or TaskFilterSpec) – Filter Spec object Returns: Paginated Task objects. Return type: Page
(appliance_id)Gets all Temperatures, and returns them in a Page object.
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.31)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – Appliance Object’s UUID Returns: A list of Temperature objects. Return type: List[Temperature]
(appliance_id)Returns list of all time zones supported by the server. Time zone follows standard format - <Country>/<Region> For more details about latest time zones, Please refer to -
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – The appliance ID. Returns: The list of string representation of time zones. Return type: List[str]
(tid)Gets a specific UserAccount object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: tid (str) – Object’s UUID Returns: The UserAccount with the specified ID. Return type: UserAccount
()Gets all UserAccounts, and returns them in a Page object.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Returns: A list of UserAccount objects. Return type: List[UserAccount]
()Gets a specific UserAgreement object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Returns: The UserAgreement with the specified ID. Return type: UserAgreement
()Gets a list of user sessions information that are currently logged in
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.51)
Returns: list of UserSession objects Return type: List[UserSession]
(filter)Return virtual disk filter scope.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: filter (dict or VirtualDiskFilterSpec) – A dictionary or VirtualDiskFilterSpec that filters the returned results. Returns: A CommonStatFilterScope object. Return type: CommonStatFilterScope
(snapshot_id)Fetches disks of a snapshot. Only these two attributes are populated: - name (example: scsi0:0) - path (example: “ttvm23-vm19000/ttvm23-vm19000.vmdk”)
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.21)
Parameters: snapshot_id (str) – The snapshot ID. Returns: List of VirtualDisk objects of snapshot. Return type: List[VirtualDisk]
(vm_id, virtual_disk_id, filter)Performance historic trend data for the virtual disk.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: - vm_id (str) – The virtual machine ID.
- virtual_disk_id (str) – The virtual disk ID.
- filter (dict or VirtualDiskFilterSpec) – A dictionary or VirtualDiskFilterSpec that filters the returned results.
Returns: Paginated Stats items containing a list of CommonStat.
Return type:
(vm_id, virtual_disk_id, filter)Latest performance trend data for the virtual disk.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: - vm_id (str) – The virtual machine ID.
- virtual_disk_id (str) – The virtual disk ID.
- filter (dict or VirtualDiskFilterSpec) – A dictionary or VirtualDiskFilterSpec that filters the returned results.
Returns: Paginated Stats items containing a list of CommonStat.
Return type:
(filters)Gets all VirtualDisks, and returns them in a Page object.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: filters (dict or VirtualDiskFilterSpec) – Filter Spec object Returns: Paginated VirtualDisk objects. Return type: Page
(vm_id)Gets customization scripts for VM specified.
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.21)
Parameters: vm_id (str) – VM Object’s UUID Returns: List[str] - A list of strings
(datatore_id, vcenter_name)Gets a specific VirtualMachineCustomizationSpec object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: Returns: The VirtualMachineCustomizationSpec with the specified ID.
Return type:
(datatore_id, query_params)Gets all VirtualMachineHostResources, and returns them in a Page object.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: Returns: A list of VirtualMachineHostResource objects.
Return type:
(vm_id)Gets a specific Vm object by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: vm_id (str) – Vm Object’s UUID Returns: The Vm with the specified ID. Return type: Vm
(filters)Gets all VmFilterScopes, and returns them in a Page object.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: filters (dict or VirtualMachineFilterSpec) – Filter Spec object Returns: A list of VmFilterScope objects. Return type: List[VmFilterScope]
(vm_id, filter)Gets the historic VM performance slice containing all of the statistics for the VM specified by query parameters.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: - vm_id (str) – VM Object’s UUID.
- filter (dict or VirtualMachineFilterSpec) – dictionary or VirtualMachineFilterSpec to filter vms
Returns: Paginated Stats items containing a list of VirtualMachineStat.
Return type:
(filters)Gets all VmPolicyErrorStats, and returns them in a Page object.
Supported on: TGC (all versions)
Parameters: filters (dict or PolicyErrorStatFilterSpec) – Filter Spec object Returns: Paginated VmPolicyErrorStat objects. Return type: Page
(vm_id, filter)Gets the real time VM performance slice containing all of the statistics for the VM.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: - vm_id (str) – VM Object’s UUID.
- filter (dict or VirtualMachineFilterSpec) – dictionary or VirtualMachineFilterSpec to filter vms
Returns: Paginated Stats items containing a list of VirtualMachineStat.
Return type:
(datastore_id)Returns the system-wide replication configuration.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: datastore_id (str) – Datastore object’s UUID Returns: The system-wide replication configuration. Return type: VirtualMachineReplicationConfig
(filters)Gets all Vms, and returns them in a Page object.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: filters (dict or VirtualMachineFilterSpec) – Filter Spec object Returns: Paginated Vm objects. Return type: Page
(vmstore_pool_id)Gets a specific VmstorePool object by its ID.
Supported on: TGC (since v310.51)
Parameters: vmstore_pool_id (str) – Vmstore Pool Object’s UUID Returns: The VmstorePool with the specified ID. Return type: VmstorePool
(filters)Gets all VmstorePools, and returns them in a Page object.
Supported on: TGC (since v310.51)
Parameters: filters (dict or PageFilterSpec) – Filter Spec object Returns: Paginated VmstorePool objects. Return type: Page
()Gets all Vmstores, and returns them in a Page object.
Supported on: TGC (all versions)
Returns: A list of Vmstore objects. Return type: List[Vmstore]
()Marks all non-archived alerts to archived.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
()Marks all non-acknowledged alerts to acknowledged.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
(appliance_id)Performs HA failover, controller pair state should be REDUNDANT at the time of performing failover operation
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.21)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – The appliance ID.
(vm_id, virtual_disk_id)Operation will pin the Virtual Disk of the VM to Flash storage in case of hybrid platform. This operation is not advisable. It may degrade the system performance.
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.21)
(vm_id)Operation will pin the VM to Flash storage in case of hybrid platform. This operation is not advisable. It may degrade the system performance.
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.21)
Parameters: vm_id (str) – VM Object’s UUID.
(datastore_id, hypervisor_manager_configs)Ping hypervisor managers configured on the Datastore
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.21)
Parameters: - datastore_id (str) – Datastore object’s UUID
- hypervisor_manager_configs (List[HypervisorManagerConfigs]) – A list of HypervisorManagerConfigs
Returns: Status of the ping calls to hypervisor managers.
Return type: List[HypervisorManagerConfig]
(appliance_id)Reboots specified appliance
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.11)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – The appliance ID.
(vmstore_pool_id, recommendation_id)Reset a Recommendation. If Recommendation is not in Available or Available_Ack state, an error will be returned.
Supported on: TGC (since v310.51)
(cred)Resets the password of a local user.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: cred (RestApiCredentials) – RestApiCredentials object
(appliance_id)Restarts the web server
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (since v310.41)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – The appliance ID.
(appliance_id)Rotates the disk encryption key
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – The appliance ID.
(appliance_id)Shutsdown appliance
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.11)
Parameters: appliance_id (str) – The appliance ID.
(syncspec)Synchronize virtual machine to one of its snapshots.
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.21)
Parameters: syncspec (VirtualMachineSyncSpec) – Sync spec Returns: Task object Return type: Task
(appliance_id, email)Tests alert email. An email is sent to the configured alert email address.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: - appliance_id (str) – Appliance object’s UUID
- email (ApplianceEmail) – email
Returns: Response to indicate if test email is successful or not
Return type: Response
(config, appliance_id)Tests the external directory service authentication configuration.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: - config (RbacExternalConfig) – Rbac external config
- appliance_id (str) – Appliance object’s UUID
Returns: List of test results
Return type: List[RbacTestResult]
(datastore_id, destinationIp, destionationPassphrase, destionationPort, sourceIp, testType, request)Tests the specified replication path on the specified datastore, provide either request or set other params.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: - datastore_id – Datastore object’s UUID
- destinationIp – Remote IPv4 address of another datastore where replication data is received.
- destionationPassphrase – Authorization key used on the remote end of this replication link.
- destionationPort – Remote port of another datastore where replication data is received.
- sourceIp – Local IPv4 address used by datastore to send replication data.
- testType – Test to perform
- request – TestReplicationPath request
(datastore_id, smb_config)Tests SMB host name configuration
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.11)
Parameters: Returns: List of test results
Return type: List[SmbResult]
(appliance_id, username, targets, users, request)Send a SNMP test trap to a remote trap receiver host, provide either request object or set params.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: - appliance_id (str) – Appliance object’s UUID
- username (str) – Active SNMP user name
- targets (List[ApplianceSnmpTarget]) – SNMP trap targets and their settings
- users (List[ApplianceSnmpUser]) – SNMP users and their settings
- request (Request<ApplianceSnmp>) – ApplianceSnmp request
Returns: Formatted error message if operation fails
Return type: Response
(appliance_id, remote_host, request)Send a test log forwarding message to the remote host, provide either request or remote host.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: - appliance_id (str) – Appliance object’s UUID
- remote_host (str) – remote host name or IP address for syslog forwarding
- request (Request<ApplianceSyslogForwarding>) – ApplicaneSysLogForwarding request
(vm_id, virtual_disk_id)Operation will unpin the Virtual Disk of the VM from Flash storage in case of hybrid platform. Pinning operation is not advisable.
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.21)
(vm_id)Un-pin VM from Flash storage in case of hybrid platform. Pinning operation is not advised.
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.21)
Parameters: vm_id (str) – VM Object’s UUID.
(objs, properties_to_update, request)Updates the specified properties by values of passed alerts instance, either specify updated alerts or Request Alert object
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
(obj, appliance_id, alert_counts, allow_snapshot_incomplete_vm, components, config_ips, controllers, customization_info, date_time_config, disks, disk_encryption_info, dns_config, email_config, info, ipmi_config, lacp_config, maintenance_mode, operational_info, rbac_external_config, snmp_config, support_config, syslog_forwarding, temperatures, upgrade_info, request)Updates Tintri Appliance’s specified properties, either specify updated object or properties in a Request VMstore object or set the properties to be updated.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: - obj (Appliance) – Updated Appliance object
- appliance_id (str) – Appliance Object’s UUID
- alert_counts (ApplianceAlertCounts) – Tintri Appliance’s number of notifications from the boot
- allow_snapshot_incomplete_vm (ApplianceAllowSnapshotIncompleteVm) – Tintri Appliance allow snapshot incomplete VM information
- components (List[ApplianceComponent]) – List of hardware components in the appliance chassis
- config_ips (List[ApplianceIp]) – List of IP configurations
- controllers (List[ApplianceController]) – List of controllers expected in Tintri Appliance
- customization_info (ApplianceCustomizationInfo) – Tintri Appliance customization information
- date_time_config (ApplianceDateTime) – Tintri Appliance date time configuration on node
- disks (List[ApplianceDisk]) – List of hard disks or flash drives installed on Tintri Appliance
- disk_encryption_info (ApplianceDiskEncryptionInfo) – Tintri Appliance disk encryption information
- dns_config (ApplianceDns) – Tintri Appliance DNS configuration
- email_config (ApplianceEmail) – Tintri Appliance e-mail configuration for sending alert
- info (ApplianceInfo) – Tintri Appliance information
- ipmi_config (ApplianceIpmi) – Tintri Appliance IPMI configuration
- lacp_config (ApplianceLacp) – Tintri Appliance LACP configuration
- maintenance_mode (ApplianceMaintenanceMode) – Tintri Appliance maintenance mode information
- operational_info (ApplianceOperationalInfo) – Tintri Appliance operational information
- rbac_external_config (RbacExternalConfig) – Tintri Appliance RBAC External Configuration
- snmp_config (ApplianceSnmp) – Tintri Appliance SNMP configuration
- support_config (ApplianceSupport) – Tintri Appliance auto-support configuration
- syslog_forwarding (ApplianceSyslogForwarding) – Tintri Appliance system log forwarding configuration
- temperatures (List[Temperature]) – List of temperatures detected by sensors of the chassis
- upgrade_info (ApplianceUpgradeInfo) – Tintri Appliance upgrade information
- request (Request<Appliance>) – Appliance Request Object
(obj, appliance_id)Updates the ApplianceSnmp object specified by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: - obj (ApplianceSnmp) – An instance of ApplianceSnmp.
- appliance_id (str) – Appliance Object’s UUID
(obj, appliance_id, target_id)Updates the ApplianceSnmpTarget object specified by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: - obj (ApplianceSnmpTarget) – An instance of ApplianceSnmpTarget.
- appliance_id (str) – Appliance Object’s UUID
- target_id (str) – Target Object’s UUID
(obj, appliance_id, snmp_username)Updates the ApplianceSnmpUser object specified by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: - obj (ApplianceSnmpUser) – An instance of ApplianceSnmpUser.
- appliance_id (str) – Appliance Object’s UUID
- snmp_username (str) – Snmp Username
(obj, appliance_id)Upload a certificate to VMstore
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: - obj (Certificate) – Updated Certificate object
- appliance_id (str) – Appliance object’s UUID
(obj)Updates the ClusterConfiguration object specified by its ID.
Supported on: TGC (all versions)
Parameters: obj (ClusterConfiguration) – An instance of ClusterConfiguration.
(obj, datastore_id, display_name, is_data_from_appliance, last_updated_time, local_alias, snapshot_high_frequency_vms_count, snapshot_high_frequency_vms_max, vaai_thick_support_disabled, appliance_uuid, nfs_accesses, qos_info, replication, snapshot_schedules, stat, list, request)Updates the specified properties of the specified datastore, either specify properties in a Request Datastore object or set the properties to be updated.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: - obj (Datastore) – Updated Datastore object
- datastore_id (str) – Datastore object’s UUID
- display_name (str) – This name to be used to display in a UI.
- is_data_from_appliance (bool) – Set to true if the current data in the datastore was fetched from the appliance. If the appliance is not accessible set it to false to indicate that the data contained in the datastore is from local system management databases.
- last_updated_time (DateTime) – Last time the entity is updated in the format
- local_alias (str) – Alias used for the entity instance in this Tintri API server. If an alias is not set, then localAlias is not returned.
- snapshot_high_frequency_vms_count (int) – Returns the current number of VMs using RPO (high frequency) snapshots
- snapshot_high_frequency_vms_max (int) – Returns the maximum number of VMs permitted to take high frequency snapshots.
- vaai_thick_support_disabled (str) – Option to ensure the VMStore treats all new VMWare VAAI provisioned VMs as Thin-provisioned. A “true” value indicates that VMStore file system will always use thin provisioning to get maximum space savings. But a “false” value indicates that the VMStore file system will use the VAAI setting provided by the user during provisioning.
- appliance_uuid (Uuid) – The Tintri appliance UUID.
- nfs_accesses (DatastoreNfsAccesses) – NFS control access.
- qos_info (DatastoreQoSInfo) – Datastore QOS Info object
- replication (DatastoreReplicationInfo) – The replication links from and to this datastore and other replication related properties at datastore level.
- snapshot_schedules (List[VirtualMachineSnapshotSchedule]) – A list of of default Snapshot schedules.
- stat (DatastoreStat) – Latest performance data at datastore level. It is aggregated for all VMs and artifacts on the datastore.
- list (storage_containers) – A list of storage container information contined within the datastore.
- request (Request<Datastore>) – Datastore request object
(obj, datastore_id)Updates the DatastoreNfsAccesses object specified by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: - obj (DatastoreNfsAccesses) – An instance of DatastoreNfsAccesses.
- datastore_id (str) – Datastore Object’s UUID
(obj, datastore_id, passphrase, port, paths_incoming, request)Updates the specified replication properties on the specified datastore instance by the incoming replication properties instance, either specify properties in a Request DatastoreReplicationInfo object or set the properties to be updated.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: - obj (DatastoreReplicationInfo) – Updated DatastoreReplicationInfo object
- datastore_id (str) – Datastore object’s UUID
- passphrase (str) – Authorization key of this datastore which will be used to validate when another datastore attempts to setup replication with this datastore as the destination.
- port (int) – Local listening port of the replication destination which is a 16-bit unsigned integer ranging from 1 to 65535.
- paths_incoming (List[DatastoreReplicationPath]) – List of incoming replication paths for this datastore.
- request (Request<DatastoreReplicationInfo>) – DatastoreReplicationInfo request
(obj, datastore_id, request)Updates the specified replication link on the specified datastore instance by the incoming replication instance, either specify properties in a Request DatastoreReplicationPath object or use the updated object. In both cases, make sure that ‘id’ attribute is present.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: - obj (DatastoreReplicationPath) – Updated DatastoreReplicationPath object
- datastore_id (str) – Datastore object’s UUID
- request (Request<DatastoreReplicationPath>) – DatastoreReplicationPath request
(obj, datastore_id)Updates the DatastoreSmbSetting object specified by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.11)
Parameters: - obj (DatastoreSmbSetting) – An instance of DatastoreSmbSetting.
- datastore_id (str) – Datastore Object’s UUID
(datastore_id)Updates system snapshot schedule
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: datastore_id (str) – Datastore object’s UUID
(obj, vm_id, is_enabled, request)Update the VM high frequency snapshot configuration properties, either specify properties in a Request HighFrequencySnapshotConfig object or set the properties to be updated.
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.21)
Parameters: - obj (HighFrequencySnapshotConfig) – Updated HighFrequencySnapshotConfig object
- vm_id (str) – VM object’s UUID
- is_enabled (bool) – True if HFS is to be enabled, False otherwise
- request (Request<HighFrequencySnapshotConfig>) – HighFrequencySnapshotConfig request
(service_group_id, request)Update the service groups that have higher priority than the given service group
Supported on: TGC (all versions)
Parameters: - service_group_id (int) – service group id
- request (CollectionChangeRequest) – CollectionChangeRequest object
(obj, datastore_id, manager_config_id, username, password, request)Updates username or password of already configured hypervisor manager, either specify properties in a Request HypervisorManagerConfig object or set the properties to be updated.
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.21)
Parameters: - obj (HypervisorManagerConfig) – Updated HypervisorManagerConfig object
- datastore_id (str) – Datastore object’s UUID
- manager_config_id (str) – Hypervisor Manager config UUID
- username (str) – Username for the hypervisor manager
- password (str) – Password for the hypervisor manager
- request (Request<HypervisorManagerConfig>) – HypervisorManagerConfig request
(obj, service_group_id)Updates the PolicyConfig object specified by its ID.
Supported on: TGC (since v310.21)
Parameters: - obj (PolicyConfig) – An instance of PolicyConfig.
- service_group_id (str) – Service Group Object’s UUID
(obj, appliance_id)Updates the RbacExternalConfig object specified by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: - obj (RbacExternalConfig) – An instance of RbacExternalConfig.
- appliance_id (str) – Appliance Object’s UUID
(obj, vmstore_pool_id, recommendation_id, accepted_time, acknowledged_time, completion_time, creation_time, execution_state, expiration_time, group_id, last_updated_time, state, state_reason, vm_affinity_not_now_tintri_uuids, action_groups, expected_outcomes, feedback, issues, request)Update attribute of a Recommendation for supported attribute, either specify properties in a Request Recommendation object or set the properties to be updated.
Supported on: TGC (since v310.51)
Parameters: - obj (Recommendation) – Updated Recommendation object
- vmstore_pool_id (str) – VMstorePool Object’s UUID
- recommendation_id (str) – Recommendation Object’s UUID
- accepted_time (DateTime) – Time when recommendation is accepted by user
- acknowledged_time (DateTime) – The acknowledged time by user
- completion_time (DateTime) – Recommendation completion time
- creation_time (DateTime) – Recommendation creation time
- execution_state (str) – Execution state of the Recommendation
- expiration_time (DateTime) – The expiration time
- group_id (str) – Returns the groupId. The attribute is undocumented by default and used only for testing
- last_updated_time (DateTime) – Last time the recommendation was updated
- state (str) – Recommendation state
- state_reason (str) – Reason that the recommendation is unavailable or invalidated
- vm_affinity_not_now_tintri_uuids (str) – The VM affinity “NOT NOW” for this Recommendation. Only applied when Recommendation state is AVAILABLE or AVAILABLE_ACKED
- action_groups (List[RecommendationActionGroup]) – A list of action groups. The group must be executed in the order it is returned. The action inside a group can be safely executed in parallel
- expected_outcomes (List[RecommendationOutcome]) – The expected condition of one or more VMstore if the recommendation is applied
- feedback (RecommendationFeedback) – The user feedback on the recommendation. Only applied when Recommendation state is AVAILABLE or AVAILABLE_ACKED
- issues (List[RecommendationAnalysis]) – The predicted issues of one or more VMstore in the next 7 days
- request (Request<Recommendation>) – Recommendation request
(obj, role_id)Updates the Role object specified by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
(obj)Update an existing service group.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: obj (ServiceGroup) – Updated Servicegroup object
(service_group_id, policy)Update the protection policy (both snapshot schedules and replication configuration) for the given service group.
Supported on: TGC (since v310.21)
Parameters: - service_group_id (str) – service group id
- policy (PolicyConfig) – protection policy
(qos_config, service_group_id)Updates the QOS policy of service group with given config
Supported on: TGC (since v310.31)
Parameters: - qos_config (VirtualMachineQoSConfig) – VirtualMachineQoSConfig object
- service_group_id (str) – service group id
(rules, service_group_id)Updates rules of given service group
Supported on: TGC (since v310.21)
Parameters: - rules (ServiceGroupRules) – ServiceGroupRules object
- service_group_id (str) – service group id
(service_group_id, request)Update statically assigned members for the given service group. Deleted or non-existent members will be ignored.
Supported on: TGC (since v310.21)
Parameters: - service_group_id (str) – service group id
- request (CollectionChangeRequest) – CollectionChangeRequest object
(obj, user_account_id, is_deletable, is_disabled, last_updated_time, local_alias, name, password, role, role_names, request)Updates the specified properties by values of passed UserAccount instance, either specify updated object or properties in a Request VMstore object or set the properties to be updated.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: - obj (UserAccount) – Updated UserAccount object
- user_account_id (str) – UserAccount object’s UUID
- is_deletable (bool) – ‘True’ indicates account can be deleted, ‘False’ otherwise
- is_disabled (bool) – ‘True’ indicates account is disabled, ‘False’ otherwise
- last_updated_time (DateTime) – Last time the entity is updated in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss:ms-/+zz:zz format
- local_alias (str) – Alias used for entity instance
- name (str) – Role name
- password (str) – Password for this user account, its only used when adding or updating user accounts
- role (Role) – Return the access control role assigned for the user account
- role_names (List[str]) – List of role names assigned to this user account
- request (Request<UserAccount>) – Request UserAccount object
(obj)Updates the UserAgreement object specified by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: obj (UserAgreement) – An instance of UserAgreement.
(obj, vm_id, request)Updates the Vm object specified by its ID.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
(affinity, vm_id)Updates VM affinity rule
Supported on: TGC (since v310.51)
Parameters: - affinity (VirtualMachineAffinityRule) – VirtualMachineAffinityRule to set
- vm_id (str) – VM Object’s UUID
(obj, vm_id, min_normalized_iops, max_normalized_iops, request)Update QoS per VM, either specify properties in a Request VirtualMachineQoSConfig object or set the properties to be updated.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (since v310.21)
Parameters: - obj (VirtualMachineQoSConfig) – Updated VirtualMachineQoSConfig object
- vm_id (str) – VM object’s UUID
- min_normalized_iops (int) – min IOPS
- max_normalized_iops (int) – max IOPS
- request (Request<VirtualMachineQoSConfig>) – VirtualMachineQoSConfig request
(vm_id, replication_configs)Update the outgoing replication configurations for the VM specified by the guven vmId to the new replication configurations specified.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: - vm_id (str) – VM Object’s UUID
- replication_configs (List[VirtualMachineReplicationConfig]) – A list of VirtualMachineReplicationConfig objects
(datastore_id, replication_config)Update the system replication configuration, for example, from system disabled to system enabled. While applying the system default replication configuration to the VMs, the VMs with a custom outgoing replication configuration will be ignored. In addition to this, a VM which has an incoming replication configuration, or is a part of service group or is not live and does not have any snapshot or has snapshots but its latest snapshot is a replica, will be marked as ineligible for system default configuration, and a disabled system default replication configuration will be added for such a VM instead.
Supported on: VMstore (all versions)
Parameters: - datastore_id (str) – Datastore object’s UUID
- replication_config (VirtualMachineReplicationConfig) – The updated VirtualMachineReplicationConfig object.
(vm_ids)Update the outgoing replication configurations for the specified VMs to the system default replication configuration. This will first clean up the existing outgoing replication configurations, before applying the system default replication configuration to the VM.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (since v310.21)
Parameters: vm_ids (List[str]) – A list of VM IDs.
(obj, vm_id, consistency, cron_expressions, initial_default_cron_expression, initial_default_retention_minutes, is_system_default_schedule, name, retention_destination_minutes, retention_source_minutes, type, version, is_tgc_service_group_default, request)Update VM snapshot schedule properties, either specify properties in a Request VirtualMachineSnapshotSchedule object or set the properties to be updated.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: - obj (VirtualMachineSnapshotSchedule) – Updated VirtualMachineSnapshotSchedule object
- vm_id (str) – VM object’s UUID
- consistency (str) – Snapshot consistency
- cron_expressions (str) – A list of cron expressions describing snapshot schedule
- initial_default_cron_expression (str) – Quartz cron format
- initial_default_retention_minutes (int) – The intial defautlt retention time in minutes.
- is_system_default_schedule (bool) – True if the schedule name matches any of the default schedule names, False otherwise
- name (str) – User assigned name
- retention_destination_minutes (int) – length of time in minutes the snapshot replica on the replication destination is to be retained
- retention_source_minutes (int) – Number of minutes, a snapshot generated as per this schedule is to be retained
- type (str) – Schedule type to indicate whether it is hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly.
- version (str) – version
- is_tgc_service_group_default (bool) – Boolean value indicates if the requested Snapshot Schedule is Service Group default from TGC.
- request (Request<VirtualMachineSnapshotSchedule>) – VirtualMachineSnapshotSchedule request
(vm_ids)Update the outgoing replication configurations for the specified VMs to the system default replication configuration. This will first clean up the existing outgoing replication configurations, before applying the system default replication configuration to the VM.
Supported on: VMstore and TGC (all versions)
Parameters: vm_ids (List[str]) – A list of VM IDs.
(vm_ids, min_normalized_iops, max_normalized_iops, request)Updates the QoS configuration for all specified VMs, either specify properties in a MultipleSelectionRequest object or set the properties to be updated.
Supported on: VMstore (since v310.21)
Parameters: - vm_ids (List[str]) – A list of Virtual Macine object’s UUID
- min_normalized_iops (int) – VM’s minimum configured IOPS. If using default QoS, the minimum normalized IOPS value will be zero.
- max_normalized_iops (int) – VM’s maximum configured IOPS. If using default QoS, the maximum normalized IOPS value will be zero.
- request (MultipleSelectionRequest<VirtualMachineQoSConfig>) – A MultipleSelectionRequest object populated with updated values.
(recommendation_issues, vmstore_pool_id, recommendation_id)Updates Recommendation specified with RecommendationIssueSelection
Supported on: TGC (since v310.51)
Parameters: - recommendation_issues (List[RecommendationIssueSelection]) – List of RecommendationIssueSelection
- vmstore_pool_id (str) – Vmstore pool ID
- recommendation_id (str) – Recommendation ID
(obj, vmstore_pool_id)Updates the VmstorePool object specified by its ID.
Supported on: TGC (since v310.51)
Parameters: - obj (VmstorePool) – An instance of VmstorePool.
- vmstore_pool_id (str) – Vmstore Pool Object’s UUID
(vmstore_pool_id, request)Add or delete members of the given VMstore pool.
Supported on: TGC (since v310.51)
Parameters: - vmstore_pool_id (str) – Vmstore pool ID
- request (CollectionChangeRequest) – CollectionChangeRequest object which specifies new and deleted members to be updated