This REST API reference is for those interested in developing automation workflows and other applications using Tintri VMstore. This document explains how developers can leverage REST APIs over HTTP.

API Version

General Information

SSL only

Tintri requires that all requests are done over SSL. All requests to port 80 are converted to port 443 for VMstore.

UTF-8 Encoding

All strings passed to and from the Tintri APIs need to be UTF-8 encoded.

API Compatibility

Over time, the Tintri APIs will change. Future versions may add new managed entities or keys. To keep older clients working, the behavior and return values with given parameters will not change from the documented behavior except for undocumented request parameters or additional response keys.

With this in mind, clients should avoid passing undocumented parameters and accept keys that are not currently documented. API clients will have to be modified to obtain new Tintri features.

API - TXOS - TGC Version Matrix
API Version TXOS Version TGC Version
v310.1 3.1.0.x ---
v310.11 3.1.1.x ---
v310.21 3.2.1.x
v310.31 4.0.0.x 2.1.0.x
v310.41 4.1.0.x 2.1.0.x
v310.51 4.2.0.x 3.0.0.x
v310.53 4.2.1.x 3.0.1.x
v310.61 4.3.0.x 3.5.0.x
v310.64 4.3.2.x 3.5.0.x
v310.66 4.3.3.x 3.5.1.x
v310.71 4.4.0 3.7.0
v310.81 4.4.1 3.8.0
v310.91 4.5.0 4.0.0
v310.93 4.5.1 4.1.x
v310.101 4.6.0.x 5.0.0
v310.111 5.0.0.x 5.0.1
v310.121 5.1.0.x 5.2.x
v310.131 5.2.0.x 5.3.x
v310.141 5.3.0.x 5.3.x
v310.151 5.4.x 5.4.x
v310.161 NA 5.5.0.x
v310.171 5.4.2.x 5.5.2.x

Error Handling

Tintri uses the standard HTTP error code syntax. The error codes are listed below:

HTTP Status Code Tintri explanation
200 Successful API call with non empty result body.
204 Successful API call with empty result body.
400 Bad request - Request validation failed. Request content incorrect/invalid.
401 Non authorized API access - User needs to successfully login with needed privileges to perform the operation.
403 Forbidden - invalid credentials or licenses. Some APIs, like /v310/vm/sync require a license.
404 API not found.
405 Method not allowed.
409 Conflict - object already exists when creating object.
500 Internal Error - something went wrong in the server side processing.
501 Not Implemented - For example if supported by VMstore but not TGC.
503 Service unavailable - External service, like active directory, is unavailable. This is usually temporary and worth retrying later.

When an API error occurs, TintriError is returned. An example is below:

{"typeId":"", "code":"ERR-API-8001", "message":"Failed to find requested resource of type VirtualMachine with id: 'xxxxddd'", "causeDetails":"", "title":"Resource not found", }


New users can be created. Each user when created is assigned a role. Currently, the roles are:

Role Read Write User Management
Admin Yes Yes Yes
System Admin Yes Yes No
Read Only Yes No No

The Read Only role is only allowed to read resources from the Tintri Appliance. This means that all GET APIs are allowed.

The System Admin role is the Read Only role plus updating and creating resources except for user management. This means that all GET, PUT, POST DELETE APIs are allowed except the user management DELETE, POST and PUT APIs.

The Admin role is the System Admin role plus updating and creating user management. This means that all GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE APIs are allowed.

The admin user is a special user that cannot be deleted or modified.


Filtering parameters are based on RFC 6570.

Format ?parm1=value&param2=value2&param3=value3?
Example ?type=SCHEDULE_SNAPSHOT&consistency=CRASH_CONSISTENT&vmId=5CFC98F0-731C-2474-FE84-0BC2C3A28543-VIM-0000000000000020
Please consult the individual APIs for filter input parameters.


Many of the Tintri APIs with GET methods return large numbers of objects. For the convenience of the client, a paged response is provided. The paged response is in the form of a Page object which is composed as follows:

Name Description
absoluteTotal The absolute number of objects within the managed entity. This number includes active and deleted objects with no filtering.
completedIn Time in milliseconds indicating how long it took to serve the request.
filteredTotal The number of objects returned as specified by the filter. If no filter was requested, then the value is the same as total.
items The API specific items. For each API, items will contain different information.
lastUpdatedTime The time when the page was last updated.
limit The client requested limit for the number of items in a page. Default is 2000.
next The URL query string to fetch the next page.
offset The client requested index of an object in the table. Possible formats include numeric offset, UUID offset, and a substring name.
offsetMatchFound Indicates if the requested object/(s) is/are found.
overflow A flag giving notice the amount of data did not fit into the given specified or default offset.
page The current page number
pageTotal The total number of objects in the page.
prev The URL query string to fetch the previous page.
total The number of active objects in the managed entity.

Session Login

Session login uses the session resource. An HTTP POST with the user name, password, and role is sent. A session cookie is returned and this cookie is used in all subsequent API invocations.

URL structure
HTTP status 200.
User role name

Session Logout

Session logout uses the session resource. An HTTP GET is used with the session cookie provided in the session login.

URL structure
HTTP status 204


In REST, updates are done via HTTP PUTs. Some of the update APIs utilize Request and some use MultipleSelectionRequest as input.

Request allows for multiple properties of multiple objects to be updated at one time. The example below shows the JSON for updating the acceptIncomingTraffic property in DatastoreReplicationPath.

URL structure
{'typeId': '',
    [{'typeId': ''
      'acceptIncomingTraffic': 'False'
 'propertiesToBeUpdated': ['acceptIncomingTraffic']

HTTP status 204.
Only the properties that are in propertiesToBeUpdated for the specified objects in objectsWithNewValues will be updated.

MultipleSelectionRequest allows for multiple properties on one object for multiple resources at one time. The example below shows the JSON for updating the minNormalizedIops and minNormalizedIopsproperties in VirtualMachineQoSConfig for the API update QOS config.

URL structure
{'typeId': '',
    {'minNormalizedIops': '100',
     'maxNormalizedIops': '248',
     'typeId': ''
 'propertyNames': ['minNormalizedIops', 'maxNormalizedIops']

HTTP status 204.
Only the properties that are in properyNames for the specified object in newValue for the ids will be updated.

New APIs for v310.64

GET /v310/datastore/{uuid}/systemProperty Returns a list of system properties and related information VMstore Only
GET /v310/datastore/{uuid}/systemProperty/{propertyName} Returns information on the specified system property VMstore Only
PUT /v310/datastore/{uuid}/systemProperty Updates a system property's custom value VMstore Only
DELETE /v310/datastore/{uuid}/systemProperty{propertyName} Removes the specified system property's custom value VMstore Only

New APIs for v310.66

POST /v310/alert/notificationPolicy Creates a new notification policy All
PUT /v310/alert/notificationPolicy/{uuid} Update an existing notification policy All
DELETE /v310/alert/notificationPolicy/{uuid} Delete an existing notification policy All
GET /v310/alert/notificationPolicy/{uuid} Get the notification policy associated with an ID All
GET /v310/alert/notificationPolicy Get all notification policies All

New APIs for v310.71

DELETE v310/datastore/{uuid}/deleteAllCloudReplication Deletes all per VM configurations that point to a cloud replication Link. All
DELETE /v310/datastore/{uuid}/deleteAllReplication Deletes all per VM configurations that point to an asynchronous replication link. All
PUT /v310/datastore/{uuid}/fileShare/{fsName}/resetFileAcls Resets the permissions of all the files on the specified share VMstoreOnly
POST /v310/datastore/{uuid}/pauseAsyncSyncReplication Pause asynchronous and synchronous replication All
POST /v310/datastore/{uuid}/pauseCloudReplication Pause cloud replication All
GET /v310/license/eval Returns a list of all the evaluation licenses. All
POST /v310/license/eval/{feature} Activates an evaluation license for a feature. All
GET /v310/servicegroup/{id}/quota/statsHistoric Get all of the historic quota statistics slices for the service group. All
GET /v310/servicegroup/{id}/quotaPolicy Returns the quota policy associated with the given service group. All
POST /v310/servicegroup/{id}/quotaPolicy Create a quota policy for the given service group. All
PUT /v310/servicegroup/{id}/quotaPolicy Update the quota policy for the given service group. All
DELETE /v310/servicegroup/{id}/quotaPolicy Delete the quota policy associated with the given service group. All
POST /v310/servicegroup/{uuid}/statsDownloadable Returns a URL for retrieving the service group historical performance statistics report. TgcOnly
POST /v310/session/{tintriSessionId}/invalidate Invalidate a session by a user belonging to "Admin" role. All
POST /v310/snapshot/restore Restore a snapshot from cloud as specified by the snapshot restore specification. All

New APIs for v310.81

GET /v310/appliance/{uuid}/stagingAreaInfo Gets the Tintri appliance staging area information, which includes details about the space, software uploaded TgcOnly
GET /v310/appliance/{uuid}/stagingAreaInfo/availableSoftwares Gets the Tintri appliance staging area available software information, which includes details of the software uploaded TgcOnly
POST /v310/appliance/{uuid}/stagingAreaInfo/availableSoftwares/cancelupgrade Cancel the VMstore software upgrade. TgcOnly
DELETE /v310/appliance/{uuid}/stagingAreaInfo/availableSoftwares/{softwareuuid} Delete the specified TxOS software from the staging area. TgcOnly
POST /v310/appliance/{uuid}/stagingAreaInfo/availableSoftwares/{softwareuuid}/startupgrade Upgrades the TXOS software to the specified VMstores. TgcOnly

New APIs for v310.91

GET /v310/appliance/{uuid}/fileDirInfo/{path} Fetch the file system information associated with the entity specified by path. VMstoreOnly
PUT /v310/vm/relocate Relocate a group virtual machines to another datastore. TgcOnly
PUT /v310/vm/testRelocateVms Validate the relocate VMs request for whether the provided VMs can be migrated to the specified destination datastore. TgcOnly

New APIs for v310.121

POST /v310/appliance/{uuid}/rebootSecondary Reboot the secondary controller. VMstoreOnly

New APIs for v310.141

GET /v310/datastore/{uuid}/tag Returns hypervisor tags in paginated form as specified by filter parameters in request. All
GET /v310/datastore/{uuid}/tag/{tagId} Returns hypervisor tag information for given {tagId}. All
POST /v310/appliance/{uuid}/rpcReport Generates a report of external RPC connections to filesystem in /var/log/tintri/rpc-connections-external.txt VMstoreOnly
GET /v310/alert/notificationPolicy/allowedUserAlertIds Returns a sorted list of user alert IDs that are allowed for Alert Notification Policy. The sort order is ascending. All
POST /v310/appliance/{uuid}/expand/async Expands the storage capacity of the Tintri appliance in asynchronous way. Progress can be monitored using /v310/task/{task-id} api. VMstoreOnly
POST /v310/appliance/{uuid}/restartDb Restarts the application database. VMstoreOnly

New APIs for v310.171

GET /v310/datastore/{uuid}/hypervisorManagerConfig/{managerId} Gets hypervisor manager configuration for given manager id and optionally refreshes the manager. If refresh is requested, API call is blocked until refresh completes. VMstoreOnly
GET /v310/datastore/{uuid}/k8s/pod Returns k8s pods. All
GET /v310/datastore/{uuid}/k8s/container Returns k8s containers. All
GET /v310/datastore/{uuid}/k8s/pv Returns k8s Persistent Volumes. All
GET /v310/datastore/{uuid}/k8s/pvc Returns k8s Persistent Volume Claims. All
GET /v310/datastore/{uuid}/k8s/namespace Returns k8s Namespaces. All
GET /v310/datastore/{uuid}/k8s/deployment Returns k8s Deployments. All


The API resources are presented below. The Data Overview button presents the Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) that are transferred between the Tintri server and the client. The API Overview and API Index buttons present different views of the API endpoints. To use the endpoints in a browser or a tool like Postman, the Tintri server and /api need to prefix the endpoints presented below; for example: