Name: DatastoreReplicationPath

Represents a datastore replication path. By populating different combinations of attributes, replication path to a Vmstore or cloud destinations can be created.
Sample inputs:
  1. Replication path to VMstore
        "typeId": "",
        "destinationIp": ,
        "destinationPassphrase": ,
        "destinationPort": ,
        "displayName": ,
        "sourceIp": ,
        "cloudReplDestination": null,
        "throttle": {
        "typeId": {
          "isEnabled": ,
          "throughputNonThrottledMbps": ,
          "throughputThrottledMbps": ,
          "timeEnd": ,
  2. Replication to AWS S3 cloud object store
    Only TGC can create a replication destination to AWS S3 cloud object store.
        "typeId": "",
        "destinationIp": null,
        "destinationPassphrase": null,
        "destinationPort": 0,
        "displayName": ,
        "sourceIp": ,
        "throttle": null,
        "cloudReplDestination": {
          "typeId": "",
          "forceToOwnEnabled": ,
          "owningTgcHost": ,
          "owningTgcUuid": ,
          "repositoryId": ,
          "repositoryUrl": ,
          "retireMekEnabled": ,
          "rotateAekEnabled": ,
          "userPassPhrase": ,
          "awsInfo": {
              "typeId": "",
              "accessKey": ,
              "region": ,
              "secretKey": ,
          "cleversafeInfo": null,
          "encryptionKeyInfo": {
              "typeId": "",
              "aekValue": ,
              "aekVersion": ,
              "cipherTransformation": ,
              "encKeySize": ,
              "mekVersion": ,
  3. *
  4. Replication to a S3 compatible cloud object store
    Only TGC can create a replication destination to a S3 compatible object store.
        "typeId": "",
        "destinationIp": null,
        "destinationPassphrase": null,
        "destinationPort": 0,
        "displayName": ,
        "sourceIp": ,
        "throttle": null,
        "cloudReplDestination": {
          "typeId": "",
          "forceToOwnEnabled": ,
          "owningTgcHost": ,
          "owningTgcUuid": ,
          "repositoryId": ,
          "repositoryUrl": ,
          "retireMekEnabled": ,
          "rotateAekEnabled": ,
          "userPassPhrase": ,
          "awsInfo": null,
          "cleversafeInfo": {
              "typeId": "",
              "accessKey": ,
               "dataEndPoint": ,
               "adminEndPoint": ,
               "secretKey": ,
          "encryptionKeyInfo": {
              "typeId": "",
              "aekValue": ,
              "aekVersion": ,
              "cipherTransformation": ,
              "encKeySize": ,
              "mekVersion": ,

  5. Data Structure
       "typeId": "",
       "destinationIp": <String>,
       "destinationPassphrase": <String>,
       "destinationPort": <Number>,
       "displayName": <String>,
       "id": <String>,
       "internalId": <Number>,
       "sourceClusterMemberId": <String>,
       "sourceIp": <String>,
       "cloudReplDestination": CloudReplDestination,
       "throttle": DatastoreReplicationPathThrottle,

    cloudReplDestinationCloudReplDestinationCloud replication destination information
    throttleDatastoreReplicationPathThrottleThe throttle schedule applied to this replication path.

    destinationIpxsd:stringRemote IPv4 address of the datastore replication path. This property must be null for cloud replication
    destinationPassphrasexsd:stringAuthorization key used on the remote end of this replication link. This property must be null for cloud replication
    destinationPortxsd:intRemote port of another datastore where replication data is received. This property must be null for cloud replication
    displayNamexsd:stringName which would be displayed on UI.
    idxsd:stringThis is the ID given by System Management to the replication link.
    internalIdxsd:longInternal filesystem ID used by Tintri.
    sourceClusterMemberIdxsd:stringTgcOnly Source cluster member (VMstore) UUID
    sourceIpxsd:stringLocal IPv4 address of the datastore replication path.