Name: SyncReplPolicy

Container for synchronous replication configuration, state, and statistics For creation and update, the alertThreshold attribute can be null and it will be created using default values.

Data Structure
   "typeId": "",
   "datastoreName": <String>,
   "lastUpdatedTime": DateTime,
   "alertThreshold": SyncReplAlertThreshold,
   "syncReplConfig": SyncReplConfig,
   "syncReplStateInfo": SyncReplStateInfo,
   "syncReplStats": Stats,

alertThresholdSyncReplAlertThresholdSynchronous replication alert threshold.
syncReplConfigSyncReplConfigAssociated Synchronous Replication configuration policy with this service group.
syncReplStateInfoSyncReplStateInfoThe current state of the associated Synchronous Replication configuration policy.
syncReplStatsStatsThe associated Synchronous Replication configuration performance statistics.

datastoreNamexsd:stringTgcOnly Datastore name configured for the synchronous replication service group.
lastUpdatedTimeDateTimeTime stamp when the object is last updated.