Name: ComputeResourceStat

Performance statistics for a compute resource.

Data Structure
   "typeId": "",
   "cpuPercent": <Number>,
   "cpuUsageMhz": <Number>,
   "intervalSeconds": <Number>,
   "memoryUsageMiB": <Number>,
   "memoryUsagePercent": <Number>,
   "timeEnd": DateTime,
   "timeStart": DateTime,

cpuPercentxsd:doubleCPU usage as a percentage.
cpuUsageMhzxsd:doubleCPU usage of the virtual machine in megahertz.
intervalSecondsxsd:longThe interval between datapoints in seconds
memoryUsageMiBxsd:doubleMemory consumed by the virtual machine in mebibytes.
memoryUsagePercentxsd:doubleMemory usage as a percentage.
timeEndDateTimeThe end time of the interval.
timeStartDateTimeThe start time of the interval.