Name: PersistentVolumeClaim

Represents a PersistentVolumeClaim

Data Structure
   "typeId": "",
   "clusterName": <String>,
   "creationTime": DateTime,
   "hypervisorName": <String>,
   "lastUpdatedTime": DateTime,
   "name": <String>,
   "namespace": <String>,
   "storageClassName": <String>,
   "uuid": <String>,
   "vdUuid": <String>,
   "vmInstanceUuid": <String>,
   "vmName": <String>,
   "vmTintriUuid": <String>,
   "volumeName": <String>,
   "accessModes": [<String>],
   "annotations": java.util.Map,
   "labels": java.util.Map,
   "podUuids": [<String>],
   "request": java.util.Map,
   "status": PVCStatus,

accessModesxsd:list[xsd:string]Access modes associated with the claim request
annotationsjava.util.MapAnnotations assigned to the k8s entity
labelsjava.util.MapLabels assigned to the k8s entity
podUuidsxsd:list[xsd:string]Uuids of pods requesting storage from this claim
requestjava.util.MapRequests associated with the claim
statusPVCStatusStatus of the claim

clusterNamexsd:stringk8s cluster name of the entity
creationTimeDateTimeClaim's creation time
hypervisorNamexsd:stringName of hypervisor managing the worker VM
lastUpdatedTimeDateTimeLast update date/time
namexsd:stringEntity name
namespacexsd:stringEntity namespace
storageClassNamexsd:stringStorage class of the claim
uuidxsd:stringEntity's uuid
vdUuidxsd:stringUuid of virtual disk that corresponds to this persistent volume claim's persistent volume
vmInstanceUuidxsd:stringInstance uuid of the worker node VM
vmNamexsd:stringName of the worker/control node VM
vmTintriUuidxsd:stringTintri uuid of the worker node VM
volumeNamexsd:stringName of persistent volume providing storage for this claim