Name: PersistentVolume

Represents a k8s PersistentVolume

Data Structure
   "typeId": "",
   "clusterName": <String>,
   "creationTime": DateTime,
   "hypervisorName": <String>,
   "lastUpdatedTime": DateTime,
   "name": <String>,
   "namespace": <String>,
   "nfsPath": <String>,
   "nfsServer": <String>,
   "persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy": <String>,
   "pvcName": <String>,
   "pvcNamespace": <String>,
   "pvcUuid": <String>,
   "statusPhase": <String>,
   "storageClassName": <String>,
   "uuid": <String>,
   "vdUuid": <String>,
   "vmInstanceUuid": <String>,
   "vmName": <String>,
   "vmTintriUuid": <String>,
   "accessModes": [<String>],
   "annotations": java.util.Map,
   "capacity": java.util.Map,
   "labels": java.util.Map,
   "mountOptions": [<String>],
   "podUuids": [<String>],

accessModesxsd:list[xsd:string]Access modes associated with the persistent volume. E.g. 'ReadWriteOnce', 'ReadWriteMany'
annotationsjava.util.MapAnnotations assigned to the k8s entity
capacityjava.util.MapObject representing various type of capacities associated with the persistent volume. E.g. 'storage' capacity
labelsjava.util.MapLabels assigned to the k8s entity
mountOptionsxsd:list[xsd:string]Mount options for the persistent volume
podUuidsxsd:list[xsd:string]Uuids of pods using storage from this persistent volume

clusterNamexsd:stringk8s cluster name of the entity
creationTimeDateTimePersistent volume creation time
hypervisorNamexsd:stringName of hypervisor managing the worker VM
lastUpdatedTimeDateTimeLast update date/time
namexsd:stringEntity name
namespacexsd:stringEntity namespace
nfsPathxsd:stringPath to NFS share provided by nfsServer. It is applicable only to ReadWriteMany persistent volume.
nfsServerxsd:stringNFS server providing the NFS share for a ReadWriteMany type persistent volume.
persistentVolumeReclaimPolicyxsd:stringReclaim policy of claim associated with the persistent volume
pvcNamexsd:stringName of claim associated with the persistent volume
pvcNamespacexsd:stringNamespace of claim associated with the persistent volume
pvcUuidxsd:stringUuid of claim associated with the persistent volume
statusPhasexsd:stringPhase of the persistent volume
storageClassNamexsd:stringStorage class of the persistent volume
uuidxsd:stringEntity's uuid
vdUuidxsd:stringUuid of virtual disk that corresponds to this persistent volume
vmInstanceUuidxsd:stringInstance uuid of the worker node VM
vmNamexsd:stringName of the worker/control node VM
vmTintriUuidxsd:stringTintri uuid of the worker node VM