Name: FileObject

This object contains properties of a file that exists on the filesystem.
A file object represent a physical file in the filesystem which can be attached to an object.

Data Structure
   "typeId": "",
   "path": <String>,
   "snapshotPath": <String>,
   "protocol": 'NFS' | 'SMB' | 'ASM' | 'UNKNOWN',

protocolNFS | SMB | ASM | UNKNOWNData path protocol used for this file's operations. All files in a given InstanceObject must have the same protocol.
NFSNetwork File System protocol
SMBServer Message Block protocol
ASMASM, introduced in v310.121.
UNKNOWNInvalid type

pathxsd:stringPath of the file. The path must be a normalized path, which does not contain '.' or '..' It must begin with '/'. There should only be one file with a given path in a given InstanceObject.

Notes on NFS: The path should not include the root /tintri folder. Also, in NFS the folder /.tintri is reserved for internal use and cannot be included in a file path.

Notes on SMB: Paths should still be represented using '/' like Linux paths. If you use \, it may be accepted but as in Linux, this will not map to a directory operation, it will simply go in as part of a file name. SMB is not case sensitive, so paths must be unique ignoring case for SMB files.

Valid examples:

Invalid examples:
\bob\boo /.tintri/dooda
snapshotPathxsd:stringThe snapshot path of a file is used to identify the file during the clone operation. This allows an integration to canonicalize the names of files in a snapshot at snapshot time. If omitted or "", the file will not be snapshotted when the object is snapshotted. If present, the snapshot path must be a valid absolute path string (same as the normal file path), and must be unique within the owning InstanceObject.