Name: UserSetting

Defines a user setting. Encapsulates arbitrary user data such as custom table views.
Sample inputs:
  1. Create or update a user setting for the current logged in user
      "userId": "default",
      "keyName": "display1",
      "setting": "{\\\"key1\\\": \\\"value1\\\"}"
  2. Create or update a user setting for a specific user
      "userId": "admin+LOCAL",
      "keyName": "display1",
      "setting": "{\\\"key1\\\": \\\"value1\\\"}"

Data Structure
   "typeId": "",
   "keyName": <String>,
   "lastAccessTime": DateTime,
   "setting": <String>,
   "userId": <String>,

keyNamexsd:stringThe key of the setting. Typically the name of the Custom View.
lastAccessTimeDateTimeLast access time in ms.
settingxsd:stringThe setting. Typically a JSON string value containing the settings preferences for a UI Dashboard
userIdxsd:stringThe userId of the setting. Of the form UserId+AuthType or "default" for the current logged in user. The + is the plus character '+' example admin+LOCAL