Name: Endpoint

Endpoints used in Authorization Code Grant Workflow authentication. If not found we will attempt to discover them through the issuer well-known openid-configuration path see well known uri registration

The four principle endpoints are:

The authorization endpoint which is used to interact with the resource owner and obtain an authorization grant.

The token endpoint which is used by the client to obtain an access token by presenting its authorization grant or refresh token.

The userinfo_endpoint which is used to get the user information metadate. The endpoint requires the token provided in its Authorization Bearer header. Example: userinfo

The introspection endpoint which is used in token introspection to take a token and return a JSON representation of the token used to validate the token.

Data Structure
   "typeId": "",
   "discover": <String>,
   "endpointName": <String>,
   "override": <String>,

discoverxsd:stringThe endpoint uri disovered using well-known configurations.

Ignored on input
endpointNamexsd:stringThe endpoint name e.g. token_endpoint
overridexsd:stringThe override endpoint provided by the user. Only exists if different than discover.

If it is the same as discovered it will be discarded.

If different than discovered or no discovered value is found it will be used as the override.